Haircut Calendar: What is the best moon to mess with your hair?

Before cutting their hair, it is common for people to research the ideal moon phases to make the change in look. There is a popular belief that the Moon exerts this kind of influence on people, but is it true?

Since ancient times, the Moon has been an object of worship. In Greek mythology, for example, Phoebe, Artemis, Selene and Hecate are deities of the Earth's natural satellite. It was thought, at that time, that the Moon emanated different energies according to each of its phases.

Women who were considered witches analyzed the relationship between the Moon and menstruation, farmers bet at certain times of the month to make the crop grow, hunters avoided looking for animals on certain nights and fishermen had the right weeks to fish.

Over time, science has proven three of these popular beliefs: the interference of the moon's phases with tides, agriculture and the behavior of animals. There is, however, no scientific evidence about the influence of the Moon on a person's menstrual cycle and hair growth.

Haircut Calendar: What is the best moon to mess with your hair?
Image of Ulrike Leone by Pixabay

Despite this, a large part of the population guarantees that there is a difference in the result of a haircut according to the phase of the moon in which it is performed. In other words, even though there is no scientific proof of the influence of the natural satellite on our bodies, the belief in haircuts persists.

In an interview with UOL Notícias, in 2018, historian João Paulo Pimenta, from the University of São Paulo, explained this fact: “The boundary between superstitions, the supernatural and religions has always been tenuous and, in general, these three things are mixed together. in human observation of nature. Modern science has dealt blunt blows to this way of looking at things, but has not completely eliminated it.”

So, as much as science insists that you can cut your hair in any of the phases of the moon without noticing a difference in the result, your belief is valid. And if you're looking for the best date to cut your locks, check out the influence of each moon phase according to astrology!

Haircut Calendar: What is the best moon to mess with your hair?
Image of Ponciano by Pixabay

hair cut calendar

New Moon

As the name of the Moon phase already says, renewal and novelty reign during the New Moon. If you want to dare your look, get a very different haircut and renew your energies, see which week of a given month the New Moon will be in the sky.

Another belief holds that the New Moon, as it appears the least in the sky, makes hair strands more fragile and prone to falling out. In this case, it would be better to invest in revitalizing treatments, which aim to rebuild the locks.

Haircut Calendar: What is the best moon to mess with your hair?
Image of Csaba Nagy by Pixabay

Crescent moon

If you suffer from split ends or hair loss and need more strength in the strands, cutting them during the Crescent Moon is the best possibility. This moon phase stimulates the growth of locks and allows them to develop healthier.

In addition, the Crescent Moon is ideal for people who don't have the courage to trim even the ends. Among all the phases of the Moon, the Crescent is the one that guarantees that your hair will grow really fast after the cut!

Haircut Calendar: What is the best moon to mess with your hair?
Image of Robert Karkowski by Pixabay


The Full Moon is the one that appears and shines the most in the sky. So, if you cut your hair during this phase, your hair will tend to be more voluminous. It is better not to radicalize in this period, because all this volume can modify the style of cut you chose.

On the other hand, the Full Moon is also very beneficial for intensifying hair hydration. Investing in a good treatment to make the strands stronger is a good choice, in addition to helping when reinforcing the dye of the highlights, if that is your case.

Haircut Calendar: What is the best moon to mess with your hair?
Image of Stuart Zintilis by Pixabay

Waning Moon

The Waning Moon is usually the least liked phase of the Moon, but it can bring many advantages. Although the hair strands lose volume during this period, the haircut when the Waning Moon is in the sky ensures that the strands grow more slowly.

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So you can get a really short haircut or change your hair color. As the growth will be imperceptible for some time, the tendency is that the change you have made will last even longer.

According to astrology, the phases of the Moon can be essential for your locks. With the haircut calendar, you'll be able to precisely choose the best time of the month to change your look!

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