Grape seed oil: benefits and how to use

Among the numerous existing and beneficial oils for human health, grape seed oil has great prominence. Few people know, but the grape, in addition to being an ingredient in food, wines and other beverages, is a great source of natural and vegetable oil.

As the name implies, this oil is made from grape seeds, which are left over from winemaking. They are crushed and passed through a cold press, until the oil is extracted. This process is very time consuming, because to produce one liter of oil, about 200 kg of fruit seeds are needed, which makes this type of oil one of the most expensive compared to other vegetable options.

Its various types of use occur due to the high content of linoleic acid and tocopherol, which act as antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, healing, among other benefits to the human body. Read on to learn more about grape seed oil!

What is grape seed oil for?

First, this oil serves as a body moisturizer, as it has properties capable of retaining water in the skin and can be used for both aesthetic and food purposes. Because it is easily absorbed, it is still indicated for healing processes, even in oily and acne-prone skin, as it does not cause any obstruction in the pores. Within aromatherapy, it is used as a means of fluidizing essential oils.

Grape seed oil: benefits and how to use
Congerdesign / Pixabay

In general, grape seed oil serves as a great ally of health and aesthetics and one thing is for sure: it will be very good for your health!

– Can be used as a moisturizer, as it has an emollient action;
– In the treatment against acne, for its healing action;
– In the prevention of cellulite and stretch marks, due to the presence of tocopherol, which restores the body's collagen and increases the elastic capacity of the skin;
– Preventing hair loss, dandruff and dry ends;
– For frying food and as a salad dressing;
– As an ally in diets and boosting the immune system.

How to use grape seed oil?

This type of oil has several forms of use, it all depends on your goal! To improve the health of your hair or scalp, simply add a tablespoon of oil to your conditioner or shampoo. If your goal is to take care of your skin, add a tablespoon of oil to a bottle of moisturizer or your soap. To reduce blemishes, wrinkles or eliminate acne marks and blackheads, apply the oil to your face before bed and remove it the next day. In food, season your salads, fry foods and include it in your recipes!

In the aesthetic environment, just add a little grape seed oil to the creams you usually apply on your body. In gastronomy, it can be consumed normally, but, of course, without exaggeration, as with any other type of oil. Unlike other types, grape seed oil does not lose its properties when raised to higher temperatures, that is, you can use it in hot dishes!

Tip: It can be found in supermarkets, aesthetics, nutrition stores, natural products or cosmetics and, of course, in virtual stores!

Grape seed oil benefits

There are countless benefits that grape seed oil provides to our health, in fact there are no contraindications about its use. Within all its properties, check out the main benefits of this oil and be surprised by its medicinal powers:

1. Lowers bad cholesterol

Rich in omega 6, grape seed oil is an ally in reducing LDL (bad cholesterol), thus promoting an improvement in heart health. Because it is also rich in vitamin E, it acts to prevent fatty plaques that can clog arteries, reducing the risk of diseases such as stroke and heart attack.

2. Moisturizes the hair

Great hair moisturizer, this type of oil reduces split ends, hair loss and breakage. In addition, it moisturizes the scalp and reduces the appearance of dandruff. As it is a light oil, it is easily absorbed by the hair strands, reducing the oiliness of the scalp and quickly hydrating the strands.

Grape seed oil: benefits and how to use
Matthias Böckel / Pixabay

3. Prevents disease

Grape seed oil is rich in resveratrol, tannins, quercetin, flavonights, vitamin E, carotenights… and so on! Most of these properties have antioxidant action which prevents cell damage and acts as antitumor and anti-inflammatory, preventing some types of cancer, Alzheimer's, diabetes etc.

4. Prevents premature aging

Vitamin E is a powerful ally against premature aging, and grape seed oil contains a lot of it! When it comes to aesthetics, this oil acts as a tissue regenerator and revitalizer, preventing the skin from sagging, wrinkling or losing its shine. Also due to its astringent property, it can be useful for those who want clean, youthful and healthy skin. And best of all is the fact that it is quickly absorbed by the skin because it is extremely soft, so there is no oiliness, only hydration!

5. Relieves rheumatic pain

There are rheumatic diseases that can be relieved with a massage made with grape seed oil. Such diseases are chronic and caused by inflammation in certain joints. As the oil has anti-inflammatory action, massaging the affected area is a way to improve blood circulation and relieve pain.

Grape seed oil: benefits and how to use
Jacqueline Macou / Pixabay

Important tips and information

– Even though it is more expensive than the others, grape seed oil is a good product to have at home. In addition to being more nutritious, it does not have any type of chemical solvent;

– Never consume any type of oil in excess! In this case, vegetable oils that are rich in omega 6 can inflame your body. To avoid this consequence, consume a maximum of two tablespoons of this type of oil per day;

– This oil does not have many side effects. They are actually quite rare, but they can include nausea and diarrhea.

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With so many health benefits, what are you waiting for to buy your grape seed oil? How about benefiting your hair, your skin, avoiding early aging and still giving your immunity up? Adopt a healthy diet, exchange processed foods and products for natural ones and feel the difference in your quality of life! This vegetable oil can be found easily and guarantees good results in our body!

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