Goji Berry – All About This Powerful Fruit!

At some point, you must have heard, seen or read on some supermarket packaging about the Goji Berry, a fruit that has been talked about for a few years now that has become a consumption habit and can be found dried, in juices and in capsules. Find out more and find out why she has become so popular!

What is Goji Berry?

Goji Berry – All About This Powerful Fruit!
Olga Tkachenko/123RF

Goji Berry is the fruit of the nightshade (the same family as tomatoes) Lycium chinense and Lycium barbarum, plants native to Asia, used for thousands of years. It is considered a superfood with medicinal effects because it has several bioactive compounds with antioxidant power, an excellent source of fiber, minerals such as magnesium, copper, selenium and manganese, vitamins B1, B2, B3 and C and monounsaturated fats.

What is it for or Goji Berry?

Goji Berry – All About This Powerful Fruit!

The Goji Berry is a very rich fruit, capable of producing positive effects for the entire human organism. It has 19 amino acids, 8 of which are essential, which the body does not produce and needs to acquire through food.

This ancient fruit has amino acids with an essential function in the maintenance of muscle mass, cell formation, proteins and important tissues. It has 21 minerals, fundamental in maintaining the body's hydroelectrolytic balance, the internal and external pressure of cells and the protective function against diseases, including cancer.

Here in Spain, there is no known fruit capable of offering the same benefits as the Goji Berry, in a unique composition. It acts on the immune, cardiovascular, brain and gastrointestinal systems, among others. See below for the benefits of consuming it.

What are the health benefits of Goji Berry?

Strengthens the immune system

Goji Berry – All About This Powerful Fruit!
Christopher Campbell/Unsplash

Goji Berry is very rich in vitamin C. It increases the production of white blood cells, which act in the body's defenses, reducing inflammation, increasing antibody levels and strengthening the immune system. It decreases stress, provides strength to bones and contributes to iron absorption.

The fruit also has beta-sitosterol, which has anti-inflammatory action.

Prevents cardiovascular diseases and helps balance cholesterol levels

By having polysaccharides, Goji Berry can produce positive effects for the cardiovascular system and for the fight against hypertension, as it has Cyperone, a phytonutrient.

The fruit acts in the balance of cholesterol levels, helping to reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase good cholesterol (HDL). Because it is rich in fiber, it helps to reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine. It acts in the containment of high levels of glucose in the bloodstream with protection to the heart and brain.

Goji Berry contains physalin, with positive effects for people with hepatitis B and C, as well as betaine, used by the liver to produce choline, an important substance in the formation of phospholipids, which make up all cell membranes.

As the fruit is rich in beta-sitosterol, of anti-inflammatory action, it helps to improve cellulite, considered an inflammation of the skin, supported by the control of cholesterol levels.

Helps reduce stress and improves mood

Goji Berry – All About This Powerful Fruit!
Vlada Karpovich/Pexels

Vitamin B6 in Goji Berry works by increasing the production of serotonin, a hormone responsible for promoting well-being and improving mood.

Goji Berry has essential fatty acids that help in the synthesis of hormones and regulate the brain and nervous system.

Neurological problems can be avoided with the antioxidant action and B vitamins present in the fruit.

Protects vision and skin

Goji Berry – All About This Powerful Fruit!
John Jesus/Pexels

Goji Berry is rich in carotenoids, especially Zeaxanthin and beta-carotenes, which help maintain eye health and prevent the onset of retinopathies, macular degeneration and cataracts. It has polysaccharides and proteoglycans that act with an ocular neuroprotective effect.

Carotenoids, vitamins B1, B2 and C, still act as antioxidants and help fight aging, promote photoprotection against ultraviolet rays, helping to take care of the skin when the person is exposed to the sun for a long time.

Prevents cancer

Goji Berry – All About This Powerful Fruit!
Kristina Paukshtite/Pexels

The bioactive components of Goji Berry, the polysaccharides, can inhibit the growth of tumors and prevent the proliferation of HeLa-type cancer cells, acting mainly in colon and cervical cancers, in addition to preventing the damage of free radicals to the cells of the uterus. body, preventing the emergence of chronic skin diseases.

support slimming

Goji Berry – All About This Powerful Fruit!
Retha Ferguson/Pexels

Although there is a lot of talk about the Goji Berry helping with weight loss, as it has few calories and plenty of fibers, which cause satiety, Chinese medicine associates it with the improvement of insomnia, mental agitation, anxiety, libido, impotence. and infertility, but not the weight loss process, referring only to the benefit of digestion.

How to use or Goji Berry?

Goji Berry can be consumed in dehydrated form, mixed with fruits, in fruit salad, in juices, in yogurts, in tea or in capsules. It can be rehydrated and consumed with coconut water and green juice.

Goji Berry – All About This Powerful Fruit!

The fruit should preferably be consumed in the morning, being difficult to find in Spain in the form “in natura”.

Rehydrating the nuts in a soak with water for fifteen minutes enhances the positive effects of Goji Berry for health, in addition to making them softer.

It is important to note that the option of ingesting the dehydrated fruit is still the most recommended, followed by the ingestion of it rehydrated in juice, water or liquid.

There are no plausible scientific studies that prove the benefits of Goji Berry tea, although it is found on sale and made by many people who consume it.

As for supplements or capsules, intake should only be done under medical advice.

How much to consume of Goji Berry per day?

Goji Berry – All About This Powerful Fruit!
Olga Yastremska/123RF

One or two tablespoons (not to exceed 45mg daily) of dehydrated fruit in 120ml of juice (more palatable, because it is bitter) per day is the amount needed to provide the daily dose of nutrients that the body needs.

What are the side effects of Goji Berry?

Goji Berry – All About This Powerful Fruit!
Nela Petria Manases/123RF

It is essential to consume Goji Berry in moderation, in order to avoid allergic and even anaphylactic reactions, if there is hypersensitivity to its components. If any allergy symptoms appear, consumption should be discontinued immediately.

There is still the risk of using Goji Berry with drugs such as anticoagulants (as it inhibits the action of the drug), hypoglycemic agents and for blood pressure control.

Another issue is related to the maximum dose of vitamin C intake, which should not exceed 2.000mg and whose excess or prolonged use can lead to kidney stones, gastrointestinal disorders and bladder discomfort.


The consumption of Goji Berry is contraindicated for those who use medications for glycemic control, blood pressure, anticoagulants, such as warfarin and aspirin.

The fruit may interact with antibiotics, antifungals, antidepressants, antivirals, cancer drugs, osteoporosis drugs, and hormone control drugs.

It is essential to consult the doctor to consume the Goji Berry fruit, if the person uses any medication for prolonged treatment.

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Goji Berry is also contraindicated for children, nursing mothers and pregnant women.

As you can see, we have this powerful Asian fruit available to support our health. The benefits it brings to the body, with minimal doses, are convincing, as are the recommendations or warnings not to consume it, if you use medication for chronic diseases. Always consult a doctor if in doubt!

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