Going to therapy is important for maintaining what needs to be practiced too!

The main reason for doing therapy is the search for a change in a behavior, feeling or thought that affects the person to be able to live in accordance with reality. And learn to focus and aim for what you really want, understand that therapy is important and needs to be carried out with awareness.

Therapy is a process and goes through stages, it is based a lot on self-knowledge and self-reflection that will promote the development and perception of the person, and that for the necessary changes to occur. The psychologist will help the person find answers.

When the person understands that he is the main part in the therapeutic process, and admits that he needs help to deal with life's oscillations.

Going to therapy is important for maintaining what needs to be practiced too!
SHVETS Production / Pexels

She realizes and understands her limits and strives to free herself from everything that imprisons her. She does her part, practicing self-effort and developing positive thinking to reap the benefits of therapy and have quality of life.

Therapy for Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurs

Many people think that therapy is just to supply emotional pain, but I can assure you that it is much more than that! When I was working as the HR director of a multinational, I had the opportunity to meet several people, including entrepreneurs and businessmen from different fields of activity.

A very clear thing that I take from that time is that businessmen and entrepreneurs who were in therapy with a psychologist had much more clarity about their business. After all, one thing is completely linked to another.

In addition to clarity, there is also:

  • Development of emotional intelligence
  • Increase in analytical capacity
  • Self knowledge
  • Increased creativity to innovate
  • Double resilience
  • empathy with the other
  • And much more!

Therapy is about maintaining your mental and emotional health, not just talking about diseases, it goes beyond all that and a little more!

Get in touch to learn about my service process.

You may also like

  • Try gardening as a form of therapy
  • Find out if it's possible to do therapy for your home
  • Motivate yourself to change your attitude towards life

Schedule a chat. In our first meeting, we will talk and evaluate the best way to conduct your process. Don't worry, I don't charge for this conversation.

call me on WhatsApp to make your appointment.

Psychologist Carla Marรงal.
(11) 99916-1828

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