Foods that harm the skin

Have you ever heard that you are what you eat? Although this statement is very simple and presents only part of the reality, it is a good way to reflect on how our food is reflected in our appearance.

In many cases, the foods we eat can cause adverse reactions on our skin. Who has never noticed the skin more oily, with many pimples or with some strange allergy after overeating some kind of food or after eating something unfamiliar?

Although it is not mandatory to have smooth, youthful and pimple-free skin, it is important to pay attention to what may be causing changes in our body, which show up in our skin, after all, the largest organ in the body needs twice as much care!

Below you'll find suggestions for which foods can harm or benefit your skin. This way, you will know how to maintain a healthy diet so that your exterior reflects your interior in the best possible way. If the appearance of your skin is bothering you a lot, consider seeking professional help to find out the exact cause of this problem.

Foods that are bad for the skin

1) Coffee: by reducing the moisture of the skin, caffeine can cause flaking and dehydration in some regions of the body, including the scalp. Caffeine is also cited as one of the factors that intensifies psoriasis, a chronic skin disease that causes pink or red spots.

2) Alcohol: excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages makes it difficult for the liver to eliminate toxins present in the body, which causes the skin to become dehydrated and dull. To combat this problem, drink plenty of water!

3) Soft drinks: Sugar, sodium and caffeine are main components of soft drinks and can lead to the appearance of pimples by increasing the oiliness of the skin, in addition to dehydrating it.

Foods that harm the skin
Blake Wisz / Unsplash

4) Fries: the fat from fried foods is not restricted to the inside of the body and can make the skin of those who consume them more oily, favoring the appearance of pimples.

5) Chocolate: the more fat a chocolate has, the more harmful to the skin it will be. So avoid white and milk chocolates, as they are full of fat and make the skin oily.

6) Dairy: all dairy products and milk itself are foods that increase the oiliness of the skin, which can cause pimples and an unpleasant glow. The hydrogenated fat present in ice cream, for example, is one of the main villains of the skin. If you still want to consume foods like these, opt for a lighter version, with less fat or even lactose-free.

7) Carbohydrates: because they are digested slowly and stay in the body for a long time, excess carbohydrates can unbalance the body, causing changes in the texture of the skin, which becomes less firm.

8) Sausages: embedded foods have a high concentration of sodium so that they are preserved for a longer time, which can dehydrate the skin, by causing fluid retention.

9) Frozen foods: because it is rich in sodium, this type of food can cause fluid retention and swelling, impairing the appearance of the skin and the elimination of toxins.

10) Industrialized seasonings: like refined salt, industrialized seasonings have a high concentration of sodium, which causes skin inflammation and fluid retention.

11) Meat: Processed meats are another example of a food high in sodium, which can compromise skin hydration and smoothness.

Foods that harm the skin
Bernard Tuck / Unsplash

Red meats can compromise the production of collagen by the skin, which brings an appearance of dryness. Already charred meats have ingredients that cause inflammation in the body. So if you have sores or pimples on your skin, they are likely to get worse from eating these foods.

12) Foods made with white flour: foods that have this ingredient in the composition can inflame the sebaceous glands, causing the appearance of pimples and blackheads.

13) Refined sugar: The increased amount of insulin in a person's body, caused by eating refined sugar, can clog the skin's pores, which prevents them from releasing accumulated toxins.

14) Refined Salt: the high concentration of sodium in refined salt can cause inflammatory processes in the body, which make it difficult for skin that suffers from pimples, for example, to recover.

15) Soy and derivatives: when these foods are consumed in large quantities, they can affect the body's hormone production, causing pimples and other skin problems, because their oil can cause pores to clog.

16) Spicy food: as pepper is responsible for dilating blood vessels, it can cause reddened spots on the skin, especially in women who are going through menopause.

Foods that harm the skin
Adi Chrisworo / Unsplash

What can't you eat when you have pimples?

When a person has pimples, he should avoid foods that are high in fat. This includes industrialized sweets, ice cream, chocolates and fried foods. Unfortunately, these foods can make the skin even more oily, which causes inflammatory processes that make it difficult to release the toxins that accumulate in that organ.

If you have a lot of pimples and you've already changed your diet, it's best to seek medical help. Recognizing the causes of changes in your skin is essential to knowing the best way to combat them and to carry out an effective treatment that makes you feel good about yourself.

What foods cause blackheads?

The foods that cause blackheads are the same foods that cause pimples. They appear on your skin when your pores become clogged and when there is no way to flush out the toxins your body is producing, so you should avoid oily foods and those that are high in sodium, which can cause your stomach to swell. your body.

Foods that are good for the skin

Once you understand which foods can harm your skin's appearance and health, it's time to analyze which foods can improve your body's largest organ. Find it out!

1) Kale

Kale stimulates collagen production and cell renewal, giving a youthful appearance to a person's skin.

2) sweet potato

The retinol present in sweet potatoes is responsible for fighting acne and smoothing expression lines, which form over time.

3) lemon

Foods that harm the skin
ribeirorocha / getty images pro / canva

Lemon can impart firmness and clarity to a person's skin. However, it is not recommended that it be applied directly to the organ, because the fruit causes burns when exposed to the sun.

4) pumpkin

Pumpkin is responsible for smoothing the skin and restoring pH, and can also control the amount of oil produced by the organ.

5) Red fruits

The most notable effect of red fruits on the skin is to even out the tone of this organ. In addition, they fight free radicals.

6) Legumes

As they are low glycemic foods, they bring a feeling of satiety that will work as a relief for your skin. Instead of eating a lot of sweet or fatty foods, eat legumes!

7) Papaya

Papaya has an enzyme called “papain”, which aims to fight acne, soften scars, unclog pores and hydrate the skin, ensuring cell renewal.

8) Quinoa

As quinoa facilitates the digestion of food, the toxins they release stay in our bodies for less time, improving the health of our skins.

9) Cold water fish

Cold water fish such as sardines, mackerel and salmon are rich in omega-3s. This compound protects the skin from sun damage such as wrinkles and blemishes.

10) Cauliflower

The main action of cauliflower on the skin is to reduce the impact of ultraviolet rays, which can cause premature aging and, in more severe cases, skin cancer.

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Skincare with food

Most likely, if you like to take care of your skin, you must have seen some homemade skincare recipe that involves foods such as coffee, sugar and even fruits like avocado and banana. In the search for healthier alternatives to industrialized cosmetics, many people end up opting for recipes like this one, believing they are doing the best for the skin. Is it really that?!

Foods that harm the skin
cottonbro / Pexels / Canva

Not really. The recommendation of dermatologists is that we should only use licensed and laboratory-tested products on the skin, that is, skincare products that were actually developed for this purpose. Exfoliating with coffee or sugar, for example, is not a good option because it can cause serious damage to the skin and even contract diseases such as dermatitis, because the grains of these foods have not been optimally polished, as with industrialized exfoliators.

In addition, rubbing fruits or other vegetables on your face as a form of hydration or cleansing is also a placebo. If you want more organic skincare, look for vegan or artisanal products, which are more natural and/or homemade! As a last resort, however, remember that the best alternative will always be to eat fruits and vegetables and stay healthy from the inside out, maintaining good habits and maintaining healthy skin. Take care of yourself!

But remember that having pimples, wrinkles, blackheads and scars is not a sign that you are in poor health! There are many factors that can cause these changes and only a healthcare professional can accurately understand them.

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