Food to activate the chakras

    Since we were little, we hear our mothers telling us that our plate should be colored. And they are more than right. We all know the great importance and influence that certain foods have on our health.. They are sources of energy. However, what the vast majority do not know is that each color of food can end up influencing and directly interfering with our chakras - energy centers that represent the mental, emotional, energetic nature and the physical body of each human being.

    We human beings we are a mix of energy and we have several chakras, which help to externalize and capture energy. Food gives us strength for our physical body to carry out all the activities we want. And this, in turn, allows us to get in touch with less and more evolved consciousnesses.

    Each type of food we consume affects a type of consciousness, which can be reaching any of our chakras. To know which chakra is being worked on, we must observe the way we relate to the people around us. If it is with affection, if it is in a lazy, productive way, etc.

    Individuals who have a degree of awareness in the root chakra, also known as the base chakra, work with the densest energies. This level is characterized by being the energy that puts us in direct contact with the earth, the energy of sexuality, of creation. It is also the root chakra that makes us have emotional problems, feel fear, insecurity and passions.

    So if you've been feeling tired lately, a good tip is to consume red foods, such as strawberries, beets, tomatoes and raspberries. They will help to increase body temperature and energy levels. Individuals who relate to the root chakra tend to consume a lot of meat and cannot support themselves with lighter foods, for example, vegetables.

    Food to activate the chakras
    Karolina Grabowska / Pexels

    Individuals who work with the ingesta chakra, also called splenic, have a mixture of all types of energy, which can cause compulsion, not only for food, but also for shopping. If a person eats a lot, especially denser foods, he is eating to keep spiritual companions close by, who are also very dense. If, on the other hand, an individual only consumes light foods or vegetables, the spirits that accompany him do not have much to sustain themselves. Therefore, it is important to eat enough for our physique to maintain itself, not giving space for the spirits to feed.

    The sex chakra, in turn, is activated by orange-colored foods.. If you have low self-esteem and confidence, this is the time to start consuming foods like pumpkin, tangerine, yam, carrot and mango.

    Food to activate the chakras
    @thiszun / Pexels

    If you want to activate the heart chakra, of rejuvenation, invest in green foods. If you're feeling overworked, stressed, lacking any energy, put organic vegetables on your menu.

    If you've been feeling down or defeated, it's worth investing in white-colored foods that activate the crown chakra, such as ginger, lychee, coconut, mushrooms, tropical fruits, garlic, onions, and many others.

    But if you've been feeling sad or a little depressed, invest in the joy of yellow foods, such as fresh pineapple, banana, yellow peppers and corn. The solar plexus chakra is activated from the consumption of these foods, as this color is considered a great enhancer of the most natural mood.

    Food to activate the chakras
    Alizee Marchand / Pexels

    Now, if your problem is irritation, a feeling of frustration or an inability to forgive, put foods from the Violet color. The Third Eye chakra is responsible for peace. Therefore, foods that have this coloring will help you have peace and calm your energies. Purple carrots, red cabbage, eggplant, concord grapes are some of the options.

    The great evil of humanity is anxiety. If you also tend to feel this way, invest in black or blue foods. They activate the Throat chakra and even help improve the quality of the kidneys. Blackberries and blueberries are two options.

    Nutritionists Maria Fernanda Cortez, graduated since 2009 in Nutrition from Faculdade de São Camilo and post-graduated in Functional Sports Nutrition and Non-Communicable Chronic Diseases, and Daniela Cyrulin, graduated from USP's School of Public Health in Nutrition since 2004, recently launched a Online detox for body and soul. The objective of this program is to maintain a balanced diet so that the chakras (energy centers that represent the mental, emotional, energetic nature and the physical body of each human being) can be activated.

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    Wherever the participant accesses, he will have at his disposal a platform that includes meditation and guided yoga classes for 14 days, a pre-detox meal plan, a detox diet plan divided into four modules for 14 days, four classes live, 60 exclusive and detoxifying recipes, being 11 videos with a registered chef and encouraging videos with a coach and psychologist specialized in the subject.

    But how do you know if your body needs to be detoxified? According to experts, the most common signs that our body gives us are: digestion problems, depression, emotional stress, constipation, constant migraines, allergies, infertility, excessive tiredness, hypersensitivity, excessive sleep after meals, PMS and diseases. autoimmune.

    Among the benefits, we can mention: the improvement of cellulite; Fat Burning; weight loss; improvement of memory, mood, disposition and reasoning; more beautiful hair and skin; appetite control and promotion of hormonal balance.

    During the 14-day program, participants learn to change their eating habits and lose weight without starving themselves. That's because detox is nothing more than a balanced and complete diet and is suitable for anyone.

    Places are limited, precisely so that professionals can monitor each of the participants, especially those who have a specific health condition or dietary restrictions.

    All classes are online, meaning you can watch as many times as you want. If doubts arise throughout the program, the user can contact the idealizing nutritionists who are online all the time.

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