Food combinations that support your health

Some foods alone are already very good, but there are food combinations that strengthen health. He doubts? We will present powerful food pairs for various purposes.
Food combinations that support your health1. Natural yogurt and whole grains 

The probiotics in yogurt and the fiber in the beans help regulate your bowels. The calcium, vitamin D and magnesium in yogurt improve bone health.

2. Apple and cinnamon 

Pectin, mucilages and gum are fibers present in apples and have the power to reduce bad cholesterol. Cinnamon also helps to reduce bad cholesterol and lower glucose levels.

Food combinations that support your health

3. Olive oil and dark green vegetables 

Omega 3 in olive oil helps lower bad cholesterol and protects brain health. The nitrate in dark green vegetables stabilizes blood pressure and has anti-aging action.

4. Chickpeas and beets 

The vitamin B6 in chickpeas prevents anemia, maintains brain health and alleviates PMS symptoms. The magnesium in beets regulates blood pressure and makes bones strong.

5. Meat and cabbage 

Meat has iron, a nutrient that prevents anemia. Kale has vitamin C which also prevents the problem.

6. Beans and tomato 

Vitamin C in tomatoes strengthens the immune system, prevents premature aging and facilitates the absorption of iron present in beans.

Food combinations that support your health

7. Honey and oats 

This combination rich in fiber, calcium, iron in vitamins A, C and E boosts the immune system, gives energy, reduces cholesterol, helps to lose weight and still leaves the skin beautiful.

8. Green Tea and Matcha 

Green tea is rich in B vitamins, has anti-aging action, reduces bad cholesterol and improves artery health. Matcha is the dehydrated and ground green tea leaf, considered more nutritious and less stress.

9. Orange fruits and vegetables and good fats 

The coloring indicates the presence of carotenoids, pigments that strengthen immunity and prevent heart problems. The action of carotenoids is enhanced if combined with the good fats contained in chestnuts, olive oil, salmon and tuna.

10. Lettuce and Chickpeas 

Lettuce fiber improves gut health and calcium protects bones. Its stalks are still nutritious and contain soothing substances such as lactucin and lactupicrin. Already the tryptophan present in chickpeas, is related to the production of serotonin, the famous hormone of well-being.

11. Red fruits and mint 

The antioxidants in red fruits prevent premature aging and are good for the brain. Mint improves digestion.

Add these powerful food pairings to your menu today! And since healthy eating is something you learn from childhood, how about taking a look at how to encourage little ones to eat healthy foods?

Text written by Sumaia de Santana Salgado from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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