Fiber-rich cereal

Wake up, have a good breakfast, brush your teeth, get ready and leave the house. This is the routine for many people. But there is one factor that can bother them: constipation. It's really bad to start the day feeling a weight inside your body, decreasing your mood, isn't it?

In order for a person's intestines to function regularly and healthily, all the food they consume needs to be digested easily. But can the human body do this unaided? Or do we need to start the day with a high-fiber cereal for everything to work properly? Learn more about this topic below!

The fibers in your body

Each food that nature offers us presents essential nutrients for the proper functioning of the human body. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains and vegetables are examples of healthy, nutritious and fiber-rich foods. And why is this important for your body?

The digestion process depends on the fractionation of proteins, the absorption of nutrients and the elimination of waste. From the mouth to the stomach, proteins are broken down into smaller portions that can be digested more easily. In the intestine, with the help of bile, produced in the liver, fat cells are broken down and then digested.

By ingesting fibers, which are not digested by the body, it is possible to increase fecal volume (insoluble fibers), stimulating the distention of the colon for evacuation, or to take water into the body (soluble fibers), favoring the development of bacteria that help in digestion.

Therefore, a diet that includes foods such as a cereal rich in fiber is very beneficial to the body. The fibers that are present in whole grains are insoluble, helping in the formation of the fecal cake and leading your body to carry out movements of expulsion of waste. This way, going to the bathroom will be much simpler!

The benefits of fiber don't stop there. In addition to facilitating the digestion process, fibers help in the control of sugar and bad cholesterol, strengthen the immune system, preserve the proper functioning of the heart and can help in weight loss, if ingested concomitantly with the practice of physical exercises.

Fiber-rich cereal
Image by Steve Buissinne – By Pixabay

When to consume fiber?

As fibers are only good for your body, your menu doesn't have to be restricted to a fiber-rich cereal. You can incorporate foods with this property into every meal of your day, in different ways. Fruits and vegetables work as side dishes, as snacks and even as main dishes.

For breakfast, cereal rich in fiber and fruits will help you process everything that was ingested in the morning, ensuring a feeling of lightness and well-being for this time of day.

To maintain the morning digestive process, it is essential that you choose greens and vegetables to accompany your main course at lunchtime, especially if you have a fatty or carbohydrate-heavy dish in mind. Thus, the fibers will balance your organism so that the food is digested without problems.

If you feel like lunch needs a little extra help to digest, why not include a high-fiber cereal in your afternoon coffee? Add a fruit and allow your body to stay active during the afternoon, so you stay light when the night comes.

At dinner time, the fibers will close the day with the functioning of the intestine guaranteed. Include them in the last meal of the day, which should be eaten two hours before going to sleep, your body will be able to digest everything you've eaten so far, so that your night's sleep is more peaceful.

Fiber-rich cereal
Image from Free-Photos – By Pixabay

Fiber-rich cereal

Now that you know all the benefits that fiber brings to your body, it's time to incorporate fiber-rich cereal into your routine! And if you think there are no varied options for this food, prepare to change your mind. Next, check out the list of types of fiber-rich cereal you can have for breakfast and afternoon coffee!

1) Wheat cereal

Wheat cereal is one of the most popular among fiber-rich cereal types. With many options available on the market, you can choose the one with the lowest sugar content and the least processed. Always choose whole wheat cereal!

2) Oats

Excellent to be eaten with avocado or papaya, oatmeal is an example of an ideal fiber-rich cereal. To fight high cholesterol, it will also be a great ally. Try eating it as a dessert for dinner and feel the difference at bedtime!

3) Granola

Granola is the favorite fiber-rich cereal for those who can't do without a good açaí. This crunchy and tasty option can be even better if it is added to some red fruit, such as strawberry, raspberry or grapes. Take the test and taste the cereal with other nutritious foods!

Fiber-rich cereal
Image of RitaE – By Pixabay

To do at home

If you want to make a high-fiber cereal, there's a muesli recipe you can follow. This dish was created by Maximilian Bircher-Benner, a Swiss physician, for the purpose of providing a nutritious breakfast food. Do it at home!


100 g of rolled oats;
100 g of raisins;
250 ml of semi-skimmed milk;
1 apple;
2 teaspoons of lemon juice;
30 g of chopped almonds or hazelnuts;
15 g of pumpkin seeds;
1 tablespoon of sesame;
100 g of red fruits;
4 tablespoons of skimmed natural yogurt;
4 teaspoons of honey.


In a bowl, start by mixing the oats, raisins and milk. Leave the preparation to soak in the fridge for a whole day. Then, when eating, grate the apple and sprinkle lemon over it. Place the hazelnuts, pumpkin seeds and sesame in the bowl and mix everything together, adding the apple and berries. If you want, add yogurt and honey at the time of consumption.

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Starting your day with a fiber-rich cereal can make all the difference in your routine. Adopt this small change and notice how your body will feel lighter!

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