Essential oils for healing and balance

Today we are going to talk about how we can use the power of essential oils for healing and balance.

Since ancient times, oils have been used for balance and beauty. The pharmaceutical-cosmetic use of these active principles was widely used by ancient peoples and is still used today. Orientals are the precursors of therapeutic techniques using essential and vegetable oils. Ayurveda, for example, uses body massage techniques and nutrition with healing oils.

Essential oils for healing and balanceEssential oils are chemical substances produced by plants for their protection and reproduction. They are extracted from different parts of plants, such as leaves, flowers, fruit peels, branches, seeds, roots and trunks. Essential oils are considered the soul and essence of the plant and therefore are special to use. They have potent active ingredients and side effects too if not used in correct amounts or diluted correctly.

We can work with aromatherapy for balance and healing of the emotional body, the physical body and the spiritual body. For internal use, it should only be taken under the direction of a physician or a qualified therapist.

Here are some oils and their applications:
Rosemary loss of hair;
Cinnamon promotes improvement in circulation;
Cedar for oil control in the hair;
Cypress for healing hemorrhoids;
Citronella repellent;
Fennel promotes improvement in circulation;
Eucalyptus sinusitis;
Ginger digestive and bactericidal;
Orange soothing;
Lavender reduces anxiety;
Basil antioxidant;
Marjoram analgesic;
Malaleuca expectorant;
Tangerine purifying;

This is just an example of how many applications we can have with essential and vegetable oils.

Look for a qualified therapist to identify the best recipe for your treatment and enjoy the power that Nature gives us.

Remember: balance starts in our thoughts! Start thinking good to the next.

Success and light to all!

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