Egg hydration: learn about the benefits and learn how to do it

Who came first, the egg or the chicken? Answering a question like this is still a long way from anyone's capabilities, but it's a good way to analyze this fascinating item of nature. The egg, while forming a chicken, can only be generated from it.

In addition, the egg is used in sweet and savory recipes and can be prepared alone, accompanied or even in some drinks. Have you ever stopped to think about how the egg is present in our daily lives? Today, for example, have you ingested something that had an egg?

Although this gift of nature is understood as a food, in most cases, there are many other ways to enjoy it, if you are not a vegan person. If you don't have restrictions on the consumption and use of eggs, you will be surprised at what you can do with them!

Have you ever imagined that you could use egg in your hair? The idea may seem strange, considering that they don't have a very pleasant odor, but take a moment to analyze the composition of eggs and how they can be beneficial for the health of this part of the body. Formed by many proteins and lipids, they can act in the reconstruction of the wires, leaving them healthier. See how to hydrate!

Egg hydration: learn about the benefits and learn how to do it
Cherd Niyomsup / 123RF

hydration with egg

Egg hydration for hair is indicated for hair that is fragile and lackluster. Before you start hydrating it, you should try to identify the cause of this change in the health of your strands. Did you spend a lot of time at the beach or at the pool? Is there too much chemistry in your hair? Do you use a flat iron and hairdryer often?

By analyzing these factors, you will be able to find out what is making your hair brittle, so you know what to avoid. After changing your habits, or seeking professional help to get to know yourself better, you will only need to follow one of the recipes we prepared.

Choose eggs that are in good condition, because if they are rotten they may not act as they should, in addition to bringing a very characteristic odor. It is recommended that you try the hydrating masks at home on a day you are not going out, to see how your hair will react to this process. Come on!

Egg hydration: learn about the benefits and learn how to do it
Olga Yastremska / 123RF

Hydration with Egg and Banana

Blend a chopped banana with a raw egg in a blender. Add three tablespoons of your favorite moisturizing cream and mix more. Then just separate your hair into sections and spread the paste along its entire length, avoiding the roots. Wait 40 minutes and wash your hair, letting it dry naturally. Realize the difference in lightness and brightness!

Hydration with egg and milk

Beat an egg with a fork and add three tablespoons of milk to the mixture. Then add three tablespoons of the moisturizing mask you normally use, a tablespoon of olive oil and a tablespoon of honey. Apply the paste on dry hair divided into sections and remove after 30 minutes. Your hair will be even stronger after you wash it.

Hydration with Egg and Aloe

If possible, use a natural aloe leaf and remove the gel inside. Put two spoons of a moisturizing hair cream in the mixture and only then add two sifted eggs. Blend everything in a blender and then apply to your hair, leaving it on for 30 minutes. At the end of this time, wash your hair and feel the hydration!

Egg hydration: learn about the benefits and learn how to do it
Kariphoto / 123RF

Moisturizing with Egg and Corn Starch

Mix one tablespoon of cornstarch with three tablespoons of hair moisturizer. Then put a sieved egg in the mixture and, if you can, add an ampoule of vitamin A. Massage the hair with the preparation and let it act for 30 minutes. Then just wash and feel the strands firmer.

Moisturizing with Egg and Mayonnaise

To start, open the egg and remove the film from the yolk. Put two large spoons of mayonnaise in the preparation and add moisturizing cream and castor oil, if you have it. Vegetable oils will act on your hair for up to 30 minutes. When washing the wires you will notice that they are rebuilt.

Hydration with egg and sugar

Beat an egg with two tablespoons of sugar until you get a uniform paste. Wash your hair with shampoo and then apply the mixture to each strand. Hold your hair for 30 minutes and, at the end of this process, wash your hair well. In this way, they will be strengthened and will look even more beautiful.

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Did you see? Adding egg to your hair hydration is not as crazy an idea as it seemed before checking out the recipes. Now that you already know what benefits it can bring to your wires, see what your favorite hydration is and test it at home. Recommend this technique to other people who want to have hydrated and strengthened hair!

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