Egg Diet. Discover and see how

In a society so consumed by beauty standards, it is possible that you have already felt that you needed to lose weight to be a more beautiful and healthier person. And to achieve this goal, you must have found countless types of diets that promise miraculous results, but that are not always good for your body.

So, if you feel like you need to lose weight, seek medical help for this, first of all. Afterwards, you can take a look at some interesting diets, which you can talk to the professional who accompanies you. One of them is the egg diet.

In the next topics, you will delve deeper into this type of food, which is based on the food that comes from the chicken. Also, you will learn about the 3 day egg diet, the boiled egg diet and the 7 kg egg diet in 7 days. So get to know the egg diet and its aspects below.

What is the egg diet?

Contrary to what one might imagine, the egg diet is not synonymous with just eating eggs, instead of varying foods. In fact, according to the creator of this technique, Arielle Chandler, the ideal thing is that you eat eggs with every meal, but still complete the menu with vegetables, fruits, vegetables and low-calorie foods.

However, it is important to emphasize that the egg diet has no scientific proof. After all, no type of food should be consumed in an exaggerated way, especially if it is replacing other sources of nutrients. So, talk to a health professional before starting a new diet.

In this process of defining your menu, you are likely to ask yourself: "How many days can you do the egg diet?". In general, this type of diet can last between 7 and 10 days only.

As this change in diet will not be permanent, it is possible that weight loss on these days will be fleeting. However, there are still some benefits that you can enjoy while on the egg diet. Find out more about it!

What are the benefits of the egg diet?

The egg diet is hypocaloric. That is, your body will be receiving fewer calories (energy) than it expends daily. Because of this, your body will use your energy reserves to maintain you. And the effect of this process is a possible weight loss, which is often interpreted as a benefit.

In addition, the egg is a low-calorie food, but rich in protein and fat that is good for the body. Therefore, food can facilitate muscle mass gain, increase satiety and can help maintain cardiovascular health.

Also, the egg has vitamins A, B, E and D, zinc, biotin, riboflavin and choline, which help in the proper functioning of the body and promote neurological health. In this sense, the ingredient helps in memorization and muscle contraction.

To enjoy these benefits, you just need to choose the variety of egg diet that best fits your goals. Get to know each of them in the next topic.

Egg Diet. Discover and see how
YelenaYemchuck / Getty Images Pro / Canva

What are the types of egg diet?

As it is not a scientifically proven practice, the egg diet does not have a specific set of rules to be carried out. Therefore, there are three main variations of this type of food, with different characteristics from each other:

3 day egg diet

For the 3-day egg diet, you should consume 6 eggs daily. But it's not enough to include 6 eggs in your lunch, for example. It is essential to distribute food in portions for breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner.

And what to eat on the 3-day egg diet? Next to eggs, you have some food options: yellow cheese (20 grams per meal), green leaves in the amount you want, as many fruits as you want, natural seasonings (pepper, cumin, saffron, vinegar, olive oil and lemon) and, to drink , water, tea or coffee without sugar.

You can also eat the ingredients you normally eat, as long as they are low in calories and low in fat. The idea is that you don't restrict your eating to a certain food group.

If your goal with this type of diet is weight loss, let's get to the point: how many pounds do you lose with the 3-day egg diet? The answer to this question has no scientific proof, but it is believed that it is possible to lose 3 kilos during the 3 days of the diet.

So, if you want to make this subtle change in your midweek diet, take note of the content we prepared: Egg Diet 3 Days Simple Menu. Get inspired to organize your meals:

Day 1

  • Breakfast: 2 hard-boiled eggs, 1 cup of unsweetened coffee and 6 strawberries.
  • Morning snack: 1 low-fat plain yogurt with 1 dessert spoon of chia seeds.
  • Lunch and dinner: 1 boiled egg, 1 grilled chicken fillet with tomato sauce, 2 tablespoons of brown rice, 1 dessert plate of cucumber salad, lettuce, arugula and tomato seasoned with olive oil and vinegar and 1 tangerine.
  • Afternoon snack: 1 apple cooked with cinnamon and 1 tablespoon of rolled oats.

Day 2

  • Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs, 1 cup of unsweetened green tea and 1 orange.
  • Morning snack: 1 pear and 3 walnuts.
  • Lunch and dinner: 1 boiled egg, 1 roasted fish fillet, 2 tablespoons of cooked quinoa, 1 dessert plate of broccoli, carrots and chayote, cooked and seasoned with olive oil and 1 kiwi.
  • Afternoon snack: 1 natural low-fat yogurt with 1 dessert spoon of flaxseed and 1 tablespoon of peanuts.

Day 3

  • Breakfast: 1 2 egg omelet with spinach, mushrooms and cheese, 1 cup of unsweetened coffee and 1 apple.
  • Morning snack: 1 glass of smoothie made with almond milk, 4 strawberries and 1 tablespoon of rolled oats.
  • Lunch and dinner: 1 boiled egg, 1 medium eggplant roasted and stuffed with tofu, 1 dessert plate of lettuce, tomato, carrot and onion salad seasoned with olive oil and vinegar and 1 guava.
  • Afternoon snack: porridge made with oat bran and skim milk, with a pinch of ground cinnamon.

Boiled egg diet

In the case of the boiled egg diet, it goes without saying that when you are going to eat eggs, you must cook them. That is, they cannot be fried, scrambled or made into an omelet. It is essential that they are boiled eggs.

However, you shouldn't just eat this ingredient. You should enrich your diet with lean meats, such as chicken and fish, and consume carbohydrates in a reduced amount compared to your usual consumption.

Unlike the 3 day egg diet, you can perform the boiled egg diet for up to 7 days. During this period, it is interesting that you keep the menu that we are going to present below, making as little changes as possible. You will notice that boiled eggs do not need to be included in every meal:

Boiled egg diet: menu

  • Breakfast (first option): 2 hard-boiled eggs and 1 cup of unsweetened coffee.
  • Breakfast (second option): 2 eggs, 1 part oatmeal and 1 part banana.
  • Lunch (first option): 1 serving of grilled chicken, 1 serving of vegetables and leafy greens.
  • Lunch (second option): green leaf salad and 1 portion of sweet potato.
  • Dinner (first option): 1 serving of fish, sautéed vegetables and green leaves.
  • Dinner (second option): 1 serving of vegetables and 1 serving of chicken and greens.

Between meals, it is recommended that you eat an orange. It can be before lunch or before dinner.

Egg Diet. Discover and see how

Fanette Rickert / Fanette Rickert / Canva

Dieta do ovo 7kg em 7 dias

The 7 day egg diet promises to lose 7 pounds of a person's current weight. It is not possible to scientifically prove that this change will happen or that it will last for a long time, if it happens.

However, you can still adopt this diet for 7 days to check how your body behaves in relation to it. Here is a suggested menu to guide your diet during this period:

7-day boiled egg diet full menu

Day 1

  • Breakfast: 2 eggs and 1 pomelo (fruit which is a sweetened version of orange).
  • Lunch: 1 chicken breast and 1 serving of salad.
  • Dinner: 1 slice of wholemeal bread and 1 apple.

Day 2

  • Breakfast: 2 eggs and 1 orange.
  • Lunch: 1 serving of grilled chicken and 1 serving of salad.
  • Dinner: 2 eggs and 1 serving of salad.

Day 3

  • Breakfast: 2 eggs and 1 pomelo.
  • Lunch: 1 slice of wholemeal bread with tomato and white cheese.
  • Dinner: 1 serving of grilled chicken and 1 serving of steamed vegetables.

Day 4

  • Breakfast: 2 eggs and 1 orange.
  • Lunch: 1 portion of steamed chicken breast.
  • Dinner: 1 serving of fruit of your choice.

Day 5

  • Breakfast: 2 eggs.
  • Lunch: 2 eggs and 1 portion of steamed vegetables.
  • Dinner: 1 serving of grilled fish and 1 serving of salad.

Day 6

  • Breakfast: 2 eggs.
  • Lunch: 1 serving of fruit of your choice.
  • Dinner: 1 serving of steamed vegetables.

Day 7

  • Breakfast: 2 eggs and 1 orange.
  • Lunch: 1 serving of grilled chicken and 1 serving of salad.
  • Dinner: 2 eggs and 1 serving of salad.

You can choose the egg preparation you like. However, it is better to avoid the use of oil in this type of diet. When preparing an omelet or scrambled eggs, use as little of this ingredient as possible.

Egg Diet. Discover and see how
papkin / Getty Images Pro / Canva

Does the egg diet work?

Now that you have some egg diet options to go through, you might be wondering if this type of eating works. If we think that the purpose of this diet is weight loss, there is no scientific proof that it works.

That is, you may not lose the weight you want, even if you follow the diet strictly, because each organism works in a different way. Even if a person lost weight with the egg diet and you didn't have the same result, it means that your bodies are not the same.

Another factor that should be taken into account is that even if the egg diet brings you the weight loss you are looking for, your new body is likely to not hold up. That's because you haven't made a change in your eating habits or lifestyle. Therefore, the weight tends to return after the end of the diet.

How to do the egg diet?

While there is no proof that the egg diet works, you may still want to try it. And, in this process, it is essential that you know how to do the egg diet correctly. Then check out a more traditional menu option, which you can follow for a maximum of 10 days:

Egg diet: menu

Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, 1 apple and 1 cup of unsweetened coffee.

Lunch: 2 boiled eggs seasoned with herbs and an all-you-can-eat lettuce, cucumber and celery salad.

Dinner: 1 grilled steak and all-you-can-eat fruit salad of your choice.

Egg Diet Lose How Many Pounds?

After reviewing various egg diet options, you may be asking yourself something like, “How many pounds can I lose on the egg diet?”. As we said earlier, there is no scientific evidence that this type of diet promotes lasting weight loss.

However, it is believed that it is possible to lose between 3 and 7 kilos with the egg diet. It is important to emphasize that each organism works in a way and that there is a possibility that you will not lose weight or that you will lose a few pounds and regain them later. Also, there are some dangers with this diet. Find out what they are below.

Egg Diet. Discover and see how
Foodie Factor / Pexels / Canva

Are there any contraindications to the egg diet?

If you're thinking that anyone can do the egg diet, know that this is not the case. Like most diets, this type of diet also has contraindications, even if it is carried out for a very short time. In the next topic, understand in which cases the egg diet is not recommended.

Who can't do the egg diet?

First of all, no type of diet should be carried out without the follow-up of a health professional. So, if you don't have the support of a nutritionist or an endocrinologist, the egg diet cannot be carried out.

It is also common to believe that the egg diet can cause an increase in cholesterol levels, so it could not be performed by those who already have a pathological level of this index. And in this case, the thinking is correct. Even though the cholesterol present in the yolk is not responsible for raising someone's cholesterol, consumption should be moderate.

Also, eating eggs often increases the amount of protein in the body. When it appears in excess in the body, it can overload the kidneys, which are responsible for metabolizing proteins. Therefore, if a person already has a problem with these organs, it is better not to follow the egg diet.

Although these are the main contraindications for the egg diet, there are pros and cons that should be taken into account by anyone who is thinking about making this brief change in food. Understand the details about it!

Pros and Cons of the Egg Diet

Regarding the pros of the egg diet, we can list important benefits for the body. From a weight loss perspective, the egg is a food that brings a feeling of satiety and favors the proper functioning of metabolism.

Another important feature of the egg is that it favors muscle mass gain and reduces the glycemic index of other foods. Added to these benefits, we observe that the egg is rich in vitamins, antioxidants and tryptophan, which stimulates happiness and a good night's sleep, especially.

So, if you do the egg diet, you will ingest these benefits for your body for a short time, which can already bring a simple change in your metabolism. But what can go wrong with your body? The egg diet pros are also relevant.

Although eggs are rich in protein and vitamins, they do not have everything your body needs to sustain itself. By consuming it over other foods, your body is likely to become lacking in some essential nutrient. As the diet calls for a reduction in carbohydrate consumption, you may feel less energy on a day-to-day basis.

In addition, many people are intolerant or allergic to eggs, and only discover this by consuming them in excess. In this case, intestinal and stomach discomfort may occur, which may eventually lead to an unhealthy weight loss process.

It is also necessary to remember that the egg diet cannot be considered a process of food reeducation or lasting weight loss. The fact that this type of diet takes a short time to be put into practice already demonstrates that it is unhealthy to reduce the variety of foods we consume.

Egg Diet. Discover and see how
ginew / Getty Images / Canva

Egg diet. Depositions

Despite the pros and cons of the egg diet, testimonials from people who have had this type of diet are a way to understand the short-term weight loss that it offers the body.

Below, check out the reports in the comments section of the YouTube video “Egg Diet – How it works, Types, Menu and Tips [Slimming?]” about this procedure:

“I did the egg diet, I went from 81,9 kg to 74,5 kg in less than a week 😳 I was very surprised by the result!”

“I started the 7-day diet with 63 kg and today I am on day 4 and when I weighed today I was already 59,6 kg. I'm loving"

“I've done this diet before and I recommend it, 3 kg in 3 days, now I'm doing it again only in 7 days, and one thing I recommend is for you to eat some fruit or a cracker of water and salt to last a long time , because without any carbs you get very discouraged, you don't want to leave the house and things like that, so eat at least a little carb"

In another YouTube video, “EGG DIET – A complete guide to do it the right way and lose between 5 and 15 kg!”, we find other testimonials about the effect of the diet:

“I did the egg diet in 5 days and lost 5 kg, walking in the morning and at night. Very happy with the result”

“I do food reeducation and I have already done the egg challenge. It's wonderful, people. In seven months I lost 11 kg”

“I only managed to do it for 6 days because I was traveling and wanted to test it to see if it really worked and, believe me, I lost 1 kg a day.”

With these testimonials, we could see that it is possible to lose weight with the egg diet, mainly because it is also based on reducing the intake of foods rich in calories. However, it is likely that the weight lost will be regained over time, if there is no practice of physical exercises and a process of dietary reeducation.

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From each information presented, we learn that the egg diet must be carried out with professional supervision. Thus, there is a possibility of losing weight in a short time. Even if this weight loss is not lasting, it is a good opportunity to reflect on your diet. Keep taking care!

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