Eat more cashews!

In España, we are used to consuming passion fruit, orange, pineapple and banana. We love a good fruit salad, very colorful and tasty. However, some fruits that are not part of this basic Spanish diet can bring great benefits.

One of them is cashew. It is known as a fruit, but it is actually a pseudofruit, as the fruit of the cashew tree is the nut.

Eat more cashews!Widely consumed in the form of juice, cashews can be turned into honey, sweets, distillates, or be consumed only the fruit and promises to be one of the most popular fruits of 2017. The reason is special: it has a low glycemic load and thus modulates blood sugar and insulin levels, that is, It helps control weight and even diabetes.

According to a study coordinated by nutritionist Luciano Bruno, from Piracicaba (SP), published in the Canadian scientific journal Food Research International, the phytochemicals present in the fruit help in the control of inflammation in the cells, an action that acts against the extra pounds.

In addition to this benefit, cashew has some essential substances for health, such as Vitamin C, which contributes to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, in the reduction of cholesterol levels and still keeps the immune system high. The amount of this vitamin present in cashews is even greater than that present in oranges, there are about 219,3 mg of vitamin C, which corresponds to 365% of the daily diet of an adult. It also has a high fiber content, promoting satiety.

The pseudofruit also has beta-carotene and minerals such as magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorus and iron.

Nutritional Table (Amount per 100 grams):
  • Calories (Kcal) -> 43;
  • Carbohydrates -> 10,3;

  • Proteins -> 1;

  • Lipids -> 0,3;

  • Calcium -> 1;

  • Phosphorus -> 16;

  • Iron -> 0,2;

  • Sodium -> 3;

  • Potassium -> 124;

  • Vitamin C -> 219;

  • Fibras -> 1,7.

Another important effect, especially for those who live in large cities: cashews protect the body from the effects of stress and pollution.

Many studies claim that cashew is also an ally in fighting cancer, that's because it is a source of a flavonoid called proanthocyanidin, an inhibitor of tumor development, also preventing the growth of cancer cells.

The nutritionist community recommends drinking a glass of fruit juice, unsweetened if possible, every day.

Text written by Gabrielle Carreira from the Eu Sem Fronteiras team.

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