10 items that make you more tired in your own home

    Being lazy to get out of bed early in the morning is normal, but when that fatigue drags on all day and you don't feel like doing anything, that can be a problem. If you have become an increasingly lazy person, know that your habits and some items inside your own home can be responsible for this.

    Here are 10 tips for changes that can improve your mood:

    1- Coffee

    It sounds crazy, because it saves you from not having a good catch during the day, but even though caffeine is a stimulant and makes you wake up for a few minutes, the effect is temporary and can make you feel more tired a few hours later. . According to a study carried out by the Cleveland Wellness and Nutrition Clinic, in the USA, caffeine can have the opposite effect on some organisms, that is, instead of bringing energy, it contributes to increased sleep.

    2- mess

    It's true that cleaning up all the mess in your house can make you even more lazy, but it's better to get tired for a day than to live in eternal laziness. According to a study conducted by the Institute of Neuroscience at Princeton University, living in a cluttered environment makes you spend mental energy, which can trigger stress.

    3- Color blue

    Have you ever heard that the color blue is extremely relaxing? So, if you are renovating your house, opt for blue color only in the bedrooms, otherwise it can contribute to constant sleep. Research reveals that walls and many blue elements inside the home help to slow the heart rate and lower blood pressure, consequently contributing to the onset of sleep.

    4- Television

    According to a study conducted by the Harvard Medical School, watching television stops the brain's production of melatonin, a hormone that makes us want to sleep. Therefore, if you are one of those who do not sleep without the television on, your sleep will be more restless and when you wake up, you will be extremely tired.

    10 items that make you more tired in your own home

    5- Cellular

    The great enemy of sleep. If you're one of those people who puts off a night's sleep to stay on social media, who wakes up at dawn to go to the bathroom and takes a peek at WhatsApp or usually wakes up to answer calls and respond to messages, you can bet that the next day sleep will hit you. your door trying to catch up.

    6- Candles and lavender oils

    It is already proven that the aroma of lavender helps to ward off insomnia, so choose to use it only at night, otherwise you can be too relaxed throughout the day.

    7- Eating junk

    When we're at home, there's always that urge to eat something delicious, sweets, fries and everything else in the fridge. According to data from the Ben Hogan Institute of Sports Medicine in the USA, simple carbohydrates and sugar cause blood insulin spikes, followed by sudden drops, which will make you feel tired for a long time.

    8- Low temperatures

    Feeling more lazy on cold days is not freshness. Studies show that the ideal temperature for sleeping is between 15º and 20ºC. This means that if your house is cold, your body can understand that any time is a nap time.

    9- Alcoholic beverages

    On the day you drink, notice that your sleep will be interrupted several times. Even if you don't wake up during the night, your sleep will be much more restless compared to a day when you didn't drink a single drop of alcohol. This means that the day after the binge drinking, getting out of bed will become an almost impossible task.

    10- Closed curtains

    Spending the whole day at home with the curtains closed can give you a greater feeling of coziness and, of course, an even greater desire not to leave the couch. So open the curtains and let the daylight in.

    Text written by Natália Nocelli from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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