Do you eat with your hands?

    I have a 9 month old daughter and I can see how she explores food with her hands, a curious observer!

    Feel the orange juice running through your hands, the banana passing through your fingers, the texture of the cucumber, as the mango is slippery, it kneads the chicken…

    Enjoy the challenges of picking up and holding the food, getting it to your mouth, tasting it and ordering one more! She wants to take everything before eating, get to know it with her hands first, notice the details of that food and then decide whether to take it to her mouth.

    Do you eat with your hands?

    It is very interesting to follow your process, I started to notice how I distanced myself from some foods by only eating with the cutlery. And also how it feels to pick up food with your hand. I confess that sometimes I felt anguish and then I remembered that it was just the food that smeared my hands. A feeling of being a child and enjoying the moment.

    How is it for you to eat with your hands? Feel contact with food? 

    This hunger is less common here in the West, as we eat little food with our hands. In other cultures it is more explored, but children love it!

    Children tend to eat a lot with their hands, especially when they are stimulated to do so, because it is through them that they get to know things as well. It seems that he has “eyes” in his hands to see and know even more.

    There are some foods that are delicious to eat using your hands! What comes to your mind?




    Sandwiches, in general, are very good to eat with your hands, right? Another one that I remembered is the temaki, in Japanese cuisine, also various snacks and, of course, in the barbecue.

    Most of the fruit we eat using our hands and in many of them we check to see if it is ready to eat, ripe enough.

    Now, it is in the kitchen that touch is much explored! When we are preparing food, we come into contact in another way. When we cook, one of the main tools is our hands, as they help us to mix, knead the bread, know the point of the dough, make balls, season meat, arrange and decorate the dishes.

    Do you eat with your hands?

    Let's practice?

    Set aside a time and place for your practice. Choose a food that you usually eat with your hands, it can be a fruit, for example.

    Start exploring with your hands and it may be interesting to close your eyes to notice the sensations more intensely. Notice how the texture is, softer or harder, rough or smooth, the shape, if it is sticky or slippery.

    Noticing what awakens in you as you explore food.

    When you want to eat, enjoy and notice with your eyes, feel the aromas of the chosen food, note the sounds that exist when chewing and savor each piece.

    Good habits!

    You may also like other articles by the author. Access: Did you know that we have different types of hunger?

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