Do psychopaths have a cure?

    Most people do not believe in emotional healing for the psychopath because of the obscure dimensions of this type of illness, in which, depending on the case, the dissimulation between truths and lies is so well theatricalized that even the most sophisticated lie detectors and even those who study For years, facial micro-expressions have difficulty discerning truth from facts.

    As psychopaths have important dissociations about the emotional depths that move them, their actions, while well articulated, lack the slightest empathy or connection with anyone they are dealing with. Although sensitive to the functioning of others, they make use of such sensitivity to have power over others and, finally, articulate intentions far removed from everything that can be named as trust and affection. His actions are aimed at self-pleasure far removed from all that is known as normal. As they know about the laws that govern people's reality, they recognize that what generates the individual pleasure they need so much is not compatible with society and that therefore it must be done where no one sees them. Their hidden pleasures are of sadistic origin, with cruelty refinements and depending on the degree of illness, they can include the physical or psychic death of their victims. In both, cruelty will be the tone, and such movements usually appear from when they are small, often with animals and later including people. They can be serial killers or murderers of people, for the pseudo sport of annihilating both physically and psychologically their chosen victims. When they are caught and blamed for their actions, they skillfully turn the tables, causing their victims and often health and justice professionals to have doubts.

    Do psychopaths have a cure?
    Sam Wordley / 123rf

    Psychopaths act on impulse, they are masters of manipulating people and environments, in the thirst of their conquests. They activate maximum intelligence to get what they want and are extremely good at what and how they do it, but what they don't know is that they are also victims, hostages of their unconscious, non-palpable and not released mandates. They are exiles from themselves. A rupture of no return that leaves them definitely distant from a nature that could be healthier and with greater autonomy so that, who knows, they could leave for new existential paths far removed from what they have experienced so far. The question that remains is whether they could bear to live what is inside them, whether they could bear to exchange this kind of blind pleasure for the awareness of what makes them act as they do.

    Many scholars postulate that the psychopath's emotional damage is neurological and inborn. Will it be? They define that psychopathy is a neurological accident and that, therefore, if it is born that way, there is no possibility of cure. Psychopaths are unwilling to go to therapy, are uncooperative, and when caught in their slips they never feel guilt or shame. Prison programs aimed at their recovery have proven that they learn more about how they work and when they come out of prison they are sharper than ever. During the period of supposed recovery, they are the best people, extremely cooperative.

    • Learn to recognize social psychopaths and protect yourself
    • Understand what techniques psychopaths use to manipulate people
    • Psychopaths, Perverse Narcissists or what?
    • Who are psychopaths and how do they act?
    • Uncover ways to identify if you know a psychopath

    Psychopaths are not capable of love, they don't feel emotions, but they know how to pretend to have feelings, depending on the type of situation they find themselves in, depending on the goals they have in mind.

    And you, what do you think? Can psychopaths be cured?

    The more awake, the better!

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