Discover this healthy ganache recipe

Ganache is a word of French origin, whose translation is: "person devoid of talent, stupid". Kind of weird meaning for a candy, huh? But the story behind this expression has a peculiar meaning. In the mid-1950s, in France, a chocolatier assistant accidentally spilled hot cream onto a chocolate platter. The boss, who was nervous to see the “damage”, called the assistant “ganache”, which means “stupid”, as we have already seen. However, before throwing it away, he tried the mixture and ended up loving it.

Thanks to the culinary accident of the 50s, we can enjoy this preparation, which is considered a classic in bakeries around the world. It can be used to make icing or filling for cakes, cupcakes, pies and other sweet treats. Basically, its preparation consists of mixing two ingredients: milk cream and chocolate (powdered or melted bar). With the elements in hand, just heat the combination over medium heat until it reaches the desired point or texture.

With the passage of time and the need to reinvent itself to adjust to new preparations, this simple mixture received different types of transformations, gaining even healthier adaptations. You must already have water in your mouth, right? With that, we have prepared 3 delicious healthy ganache recipes that will satisfy you, but without making you feel heavy after eating them. Check it out below.

1- Ganache Low Carb


  • 200 grams of sour cream
  • 150 grams of dark chocolate
  • 1 tablespoon of unsalted butter

How to:

Melt the chocolate in the microwave and remove it from the appliance every 10 seconds, always mixing and paying attention not to burn it. After the chocolate has completely melted, melt the butter in the pan. Then add the cream and chocolate and mix over low heat until a homogeneous cream is obtained. After that, just turn off the heat and enjoy.

2- Vegan chocolate ganache


  • 70 grams of melted coconut oil
  • 3 tablespoons of plant-based milk
  • 3/4 cup agave tea or a liquid sweetener of choice
  • 3/4 cup of pure cocoa powder (avoid chocolate or sugary cocoa)
Discover this healthy ganache recipe

How to:

In a container, put the liquid ingredients first, which are: coconut oil, sweetener and milk. Then carefully add the cocoa powder. Then just stir everything for 1 to 2 minutes, until you get a homogeneous and shiny mass.

Attention: The ideal is to make the mixture right away, but if you need to save it for later, just keep it in the fridge. When you remove it, you will find your preparation solidified and for its natural consistency to return, just add vegetable milk and mix. Coconut oil in contact with the cold ends up solidifying the mixture, so it becomes stiff.

3- Functional ganache


  • 1 and 3/4 cup raw almonds
  • 2 large, very ripe bananas or 2 and a half medium bananas.
  • 2 tablespoons of agave
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
  • 2 and a half tablespoons of pure cocoa powder (avoid chocolate or sugary cocoa)
  • Pinch of salt (preferably Himalayan or marine)

How to:

The first step is to grind the raw almonds in a food processor for about 10 minutes, always stopping to remove the zest from the side. After obtaining a kind of almond butter, add to the container: bananas, agave, coconut oil, cocoa (add carefully) and a pinch of salt. Now just beat all the ingredients until you get a homogeneous cream.

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Attention: The recipe has a shelf life of three days in the refrigerator, if completely sealed in a container. It can happen that it gets stiff from the coconut oil. If it happens, just mix soy milk, stir and get the desired texture.

A sweetie always brightens up our day, even more being a traditional French preparation, like ganache. With these healthy recipes, it is much easier to eat this delight often without guilt, after all, the formula brings with it ingredients that are beneficial to our health. So, let's try it?

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