Consuming lettuce salad before meals is a great tactic to maintain weight.

Consuming lettuce salad before meals is a great tactic to maintain weight.

Discover the benefits of eating lettuce before meals

Consuming lettuce salad before meals is a great tactic to maintain weight.

Lettuce is rich in fiber, which in addition to increasing the feeling of satiety helps in the proper functioning of the intestine. The well-functioning intestine allows for the best transit of food, thus absorbing what is really needed by the body, without losses and expelling excesses.

Fibers collaborate in the elimination of excess glucose (sugar) and fat, thus favoring the reduction of cholesterol and total triglycerides in the blood.

Consuming lettuce salad before meals is a great tactic to maintain weight.

In addition to fiber, lettuce has as a highlight niacin (vitamin of the B complex), is also rich in folic acid and chlorophyll, has vitamins A and C, calcium, zinc, copper, sulfur, silicon, iron and phosphorus. All these nutrients contribute to the health of the skin, intestines, help fight Alzheimer's, diabetes, cholesterol, osteoporosis and have an antioxidant effect.

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But heed the tip! Lettuce does not lose weight, but it is a very low-calorie food, which, being rich in fiber and other nutrients, increases satiety, thus controlling appetite. For this reason, consuming lettuce salad before meals can help with weight control, since once you are more satisfied, you are less likely to use other foods that can be higher in calories, such as rice and beans, the classic at the dinner table. spanish.

Consuming lettuce salad before meals is a great tactic to maintain weight.

An interesting side is that to obtain the benefits of lettuce, you should only consume four leaves a day, and if you add olive oil, vinegar and/or lemon plus other vegetables, it is possible to expand the range of benefits or even become a full meal. Sign up to receive more tips on this in our newsletters.

But does eating lettuce make you sleepy? Truth or myth?

Yes it's true! Lettuce has lactucin, a substance present in the stalk that has a calming effect. So, if you are going to eat lettuce before work, if you feel this effect, just remove the stalk.

Consuming lettuce salad before meals is a great tactic to maintain weight.

Learn a little more about the lettuces that can be part of your salad:


It is used to make the traditional Caesar Salad. It is the type with the lowest vitamin content, but has significant amounts of vitamin C.


Slightly bitter, common in snacks and hamburgers. It has a lot of calcium and potassium.


Highlight in phosphorus and calcium in the composition. It's great for adding a nice look to the salad.

Frisada, also known as frisée lettuce

In addition to the same minerals as curly lettuce, it contains more expressive amounts of iron, vitamin A and C. It is common in French cuisine, usually accompanied by a dijon mustard sauce.


More pronounced bitterness, purple tips, can also be found completely green.


It has vitamin K and magnesium.


Very purple tips, it has high antioxidant power, vitamin K and is widely used to decorate the salad.

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