The power of colors in our unconscious

The quest to understand the power of colors in the unconscious is ancient. Going through Plato and Aristotle, and studied more deeply by the physicist James Clerk Maxwell. Chromotherapy can be defined as a treatment based on the influence of colors. Being a pseudoscientific practice, and recognized by the World Health Organization since 1976. The technique aims to harmonize and balance the mind, body, emotions and our energy. Here are some color definitions:

Red: It is a stimulating and intense color. It is linked to passion, achievement, power, excitement and sexuality. It is quite suitable for treating depression and warding off discouragement, however caution is necessary with excesses, as it can stimulate aggression and make the person very agitated.


Yellow: it is stimulating, joyful and very alive. Being indicated to stimulate creativity, intelligence and studies. It is represented by light, and is great for keeping focus and bringing vitality.

Orange: it is a color that represents restoration and regeneration. It is indicated for emotional recovery, as it stimulates our courage and optimism.


Green: is the color of healing. It refers to nature, renewal, hope, compassion and affection. It is great for energizing environments and the body, and suggests emotional balance and harmony.

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Blue: It has the ability to calm the mind and calm the body. It is calming, and elevates serenity, harmony and peace. And it is quite indicated in cases of insomnia and stress.

Pink: is the color of love. It stimulates affection, union and balance in relationships. This color is associated with the feminine universe, tenderness, purity, delicacy and beauty.


Lilac: this color is linked to the spiritual, mystical and transmutation world. Also known for cleaning the energies of environments, and balancing our emotional and connecting us to the sacred that dwells in us.

Colors have therapeutic characteristics. A simple tip is to wear a yellow or orange outfit, accessory or object on cloudy days in life. Take the test, and see how colors can help you.

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