How to live your essence and develop awareness of life

Our planet is populated by about 7,8 billion human beings and in a world with so many people, consequently with so many minds and emotions, we need to look for ways to keep ourselves balanced, in the face of so many realities inserted in our existence, as a whole.

Due to all this, the message of this content aims to bring more lucidity in the face of so much multiplicity that we come across on a daily basis.

Ways to keep lucidity and express our essence

There are things that we don't learn in school and sometimes even our parents don't teach us and we can end up learning the hard way through life's experiences.

Of course, each person has their experiences and learnings, but there are common ways of improving ourselves and dealing better with experiences, in order to develop lucidity and increase our perception of life.

Here are some of them:

1-Realize the patterns that move people:

How to live your essence and develop awareness of life

Every human being brings his hereditary baggage; born into a cultural and family environment, marked by certain family patterns and problems; lives in an environment that can bring good or bad influences.

With all this, each person is the sum of these factors with the addition of the meanings he gives to what happens to him.

All these aspects mark the patterns of thoughts, emotions and behavior of each individual. In this way, realizing these patterns helps us to deal better with ourselves and with others.

Have you ever noticed which patterns move you?

Certain patterns can be very negative, bringing a lot of harm to the person. Therefore, detecting these patterns is the key to eliminating them and developing better behaviors in the face of situations experienced.

2-Awaken and develop your creativity

How to live your essence and develop awareness of life

Human beings are endowed with creativity. Some more, some less.

Those who find it difficult to unleash their creativity are often held back because they are shy and insecure; present some emotional block triggered by some trauma; and/or because they were raised in repressive environments.

There are several ways to recover creativity, such as dedicating yourself to some creative activity: theater, painting, music, audiovisual creation, writing, content production, drawings, crafts and others.

Creativity helps us to be more versatile and better deal with problems, turning them into opportunities for growth.

3-Discover the meaning you give to what happens:

If nothing makes sense to you, discover “your sense”!

Develop your self-perception, through self-observation, so you will get to know yourself better, realize your potential in order to develop them.

If you don't know yourself, how can you understand what makes sense to you?

4-Establish healthy connections

How to live your essence and develop awareness of life
Anna Shvets / Pexels

Human relationships can be heaven or hell in a person's life, so developing healthy relationships is an important development factor.

There are people who think differently from us, and that's okay!

The important thing is that each one respects the other's way of life and, if it's not possible to go along, each one follows their own direction, without interfering in the other's journey.

On the other hand, if you can go along with one contributing, in a reciprocal way with the other, even better!

5-Purify your attention, not only to what is perceived with the ordinary senses

How to live your essence and develop awareness of life

In a world full of publicity appeals, advertisements, selfies and marketing everywhere, it is essential to be aware of what enters our mind and what we come to believe and take as true.

Sharpening our five senses and our attention helps us select what works and what doesn't; differentiate what is false and what is true; and distinguish what is real from what is illusory.

In this way, you will be preventing your mind from becoming no man's land and you becoming a puppet of other people's interests.

6-Dialogue with life at all times

How to live your essence and develop awareness of life
Vlada Karpovich/Pexels

There are people who live chatting with others, and others chat with themselves.

In any case, we stop talking to Life and listening to what it is telling us, through its signs and experiences that we live.

Dialogue with Life is a way of meditation and of developing the intuitive capacity in us.

Do you talk to Life and listen to what she says, or do you just complain about her?

7-Understanding the weaknesses and contradictions of others

How to live your essence and develop awareness of life

An easy way to generate suffering for us and for others is to judge and condemn our vulnerabilities and that of others.

To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to practice empathy and develop understanding of human frailties and contradictions. In this way, we will avoid being propagators of discord, unnecessary criticism, extremism and conflicts that only generate energy and lead to nothing.

8-Know how to say no, to preserve your mental and emotional health

If you're going to say yes so you don't displease those you love or have some affective bond, while inside you're wanting to say no, because it's not good for you, then it's better to say no!

How to live your essence and develop awareness of life
Garon Picelli/Pexels

A false yes, up front, can generate a lot of bitterness and demand, because there will come a point where you will not be able to sustain this yes permanently.

On the other hand, you will be doing something that deep down, deep down, you don't feel like doing and the other person one way or another will end up realizing it, generating frustration for them.

9-Beware of manipulation by others

In a society driven by interests and full of competition, we end up becoming the target of manipulation.

In this context, it is vitally important to be aware of what is behind appearances and pats on the back.

How to live your essence and develop awareness of life
Valeria Ushakova/Pexels

Not always the one who smiles, treats us well and brings solutions to our problems is aiming for our good.

In reality, what he might want is to sell you a product or manipulate you to promote himself into something or have more power.

10-Improve and take advantage of problems:

Problems are warnings that we need to improve or fix something in our existence.

Through them, abilities are revealed, potentials are discovered and our ability to adapt and expand can increase, it all depends on how we deal with our challenges.

How to live your essence and develop awareness of life

To solve our problems, we need to “look from the outside” and understand what needs to be done.

If we let ourselves be carried away by a whirlwind of emotions, there will be no room for reason, intuition and creativity. In this way, we will not act with balance, serenity and lucidity.

11-In the face of difficult times, be pacified

The most challenging and problematic moments require us to pacify ourselves, because if we rebel and stress, our mind is in turmoil, our heart races and our unbalanced emotions drain our energy.

How to live your essence and develop awareness of life
Pixabay / Pexels

So take a deep breath; breathe in and out slowly, try to do something that calms you down. Suddenly, getting in touch with Nature, doing a reflective reading, listening to soft music or talking to an experienced friend.

Be that as it may, remember that there are situations that we can control and others that we cannot, all we have to do is accept and adapt, no matter how difficult that may be.

12-Respect and love go together:

If there's something that is synonymous with love, it's respect, because there are people who say they love, but don't respect who they love, because they act with possessiveness and passion with the person they say they love.

How to live your essence and develop awareness of life

Loving is also respecting those we don't have affinity with, keeping a healthy distance from those we once loved and can't go on together anymore, due to the changes that each one lives in themselves.

13- Realize what makes you happy and is your purpose

A bird is born for the purpose of flying and singing, a spider for making its webs and living in them, a butterfly for flying and pollinating plants, a fish for swimming and living in the waters and each being has its nature and purpose.

In the case of the human being, he has his essence, which characterizes his primordial nature.

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Based on this, while a person fits into the molds of society, he ceases to be himself and to live his purpose, that is, his essence.

Therefore, it is essential for the person to discover and know himself, because, in this way, he will live what makes him happy and is in line with his essence. And, even in the face of difficulties, you will have motivation to continue and be grateful for your life!

Now, to conclude, stick with the brief message of this video, which in essence says it all!

And you, do you have any other way to express your essence and live with lucidity?

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