Coconut water: benefits and recipes

On the edge of the beach, sunbathing on the sand, during a run or just to pass the time: a sip of coconut water goes well in all these situations. The refreshing drink, which can be served in a glass or inside the coconut itself, is one of the darlings of summer. But did you know that it can and should be ingested at other times of the year?

In addition to the refreshment of coconut water, there are a number of benefits it can bring to your body. Remember to consume, as far as possible, the water that comes straight from the coconut, and not the industrialized one, because only then is there a guarantee that it will preserve all the benefits that you will learn about below!

Coconut water: benefits and recipes
Photo by Adriano Gadini on Pixabay

Coconut water benefits

To understand why you should consume coconut water year-round, you need to know the benefits that this liquid brings. See what they are!

1) Hydration

One of the most well-known benefits of coconut water is hydration. A glass of the liquid is enough to replenish mineral salts and rescue the water that was lost during exercise or everyday activities, ensuring that your body will remain hydrated for a while longer.

2) Recovery of the organism

People who drink alcohol may experience a hangover after drinking too much. To recover, coconut water is also an ally. With the sugar in the drink, the blood glucose in the body will increase, and the liver will have more stimulus to promote a cleanse in the body. Will help!

3) Functioning of the kidneys

Coconut water is, first and foremost, water. And, as most people know, water is responsible for producing urine, which is responsible for eliminating toxins present in the blood. The more water in your body, the better your kidneys will work. So, coconut water is an essential aid to filter the blood and cleanse the body!

4) Cleansing the skin

If you don't like the taste of coconut water, you can still enjoy it. Try spraying a little on your face when you're out in the sun and notice how your skin will be more hydrated and smooth. It's another benefit that fruit liquid can bring to your body, without you having to ingest it!

5) Ease of digestion

With coconut water, the feeling of heartburn and bad digestion goes away. It is thanks to the liquid that your body will calm the acidity that can take over the stomach, being even recommended for pregnant women who feel very sick. But remember to consult a health professional before taking it!

Coconut water: benefits and recipes
Photo por Engin Akyurt no Pixabay

6) Pressure control

Coconut water contains potassium, which is an essential ingredient for fighting high blood pressure. If you drink coconut water frequently, the effect of sodium on your body will gradually be minimized, ensuring that your blood pressure is more easily controlled.

7) Reduction of tiredness and stress

The magnesium and potassium in coconut water are responsible for rescuing the proper functioning of the brain and body when we are dehydrated. So, in addition to rejuvenating your cells, coconut water will give you more energy and tranquility to spend the day well.

8) Reduction of cramps

Cramps are the nightmare of those who like to practice physical exercises, and they are caused by the lack of calcium and potassium in the body. The good news is that these two components are present in coconut water, which can be ingested while exercising.

9) Cholesterol control

If you consume coconut water on a regular basis, your body will gradually be able to reduce the fatty plaques that cause high bad cholesterol and harm your cardiovascular health. This is because coconut water contains lauric acid, potassium and sodium, which fight fat.

10) Strengthening the body

One property of coconut water is its antioxidant function. From there it is possible to reduce free radicals, whose accumulation in the body can lead to a number of diseases, including cancer. So, in addition to fighting cell aging, coconut water can strengthen your body against various diseases!

Coconut water: benefits and recipes
Photo by Moho01 not Pixabay

Coconut water recipes

If you've been wanting to include coconut water in your routine, but you don't want to stay in the same place, the best thing to do is to take advantage of the best recipes with coconut water. Check out each of them below!

1) Coconut water, pineapple and mint juice

A refreshing and energetic combo is coconut water, pineapple and mint juice. To make it, just beat 200ml of coconut water, 300g of pineapple, two sprigs of mint and some lemon zest, in a blender. Add ice for even more freshness!

2) Green juice with coconut water

Green juices are a great way to start the day, even better if one of them has coconut water. Try mixing one unpeeled apple, three cabbage leaves, ten grams of ginger in a blender. Then add a cup of coconut water and the juice of half a lemon. Whisk everything together and serve as is, without straining!

Coconut water: benefits and recipes
Photo by Gelly___ on Pixabay

3) Lemonade with coconut water

You won't find a simpler recipe than lemonade with coconut water. Just mix the juice of two lemons, 200ml of coconut water, sugar and ice. Your refreshing, hydrating lemonade that will give you much more energy is ready!

4) Coconut water with melon, honey and mint

If you think coconut water doesn't taste as good as cantaloupe, the mixture of the two will surprise you. Blend a slice of chopped melon, a cup of chilled coconut water, a tablespoon of honey and two tablespoons of mint leaves. Then just serve!

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5) Acai with coconut water

Those who love açaí can also enjoy coconut water in an explosive mixture. In a blender, blend 50ml of açaí pulp, 200ml of coconut water, five grapes, four strawberries and 10g of ginger. It is a very harmonious and refreshing combination of flavors!

Now that you know all the benefits of coconut water for your body, how about trying some of the recipes we suggest? Make your body happier with a generous dose of coconut water!

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