Chromotherapy: colors for balance

If someone asks you what your favorite color is, what will you say? Blue, green, red?

Of course, we all have our favorite colors, many influenced by patterns and beliefs formed since childhood, such as blue for men and pink for women, others by a feeling or emotion lived in a certain experience. So emotions influence the choice of a color, or does color influence a sensation, an emotion?

Colors are present in every moment of our lives and can positively influence our actions for a full balance of our organism. They are so powerful that many advertisers use their properties to influence our actions to the desire to buy and acquire products.

And how to use them for our balance and healing?

Each color has a wave frequency that hits our body with a certain force. The waves of colors reaching our body will replace the missing energies or neutralize those that are in excess, it all depends on what frequency will be applied to the body.

Today chromotherapy is seen as a science that studies colors and their energetic actions for balance, which can be human, environmental and animal.

Each color has a therapeutic action. Let’s see below the main characteristics and properties of the colors that we use in the practice of Chromotherapy:

  • Blue: softens and soothes.
  • Yellow: favors logical reasoning, clarity of thought, activates memory.
  • Green: color of nature, favors the cure of diseases, decongests energies.
  • Indigo: anti-inflammatory, healing, peace of mind.
  • Violet: transmute energies, anti-stress.
  • Red: courage, energetic.
  • Pink: represents love, detoxifies.
  • Orange: promotes optimism, broadens the mind.

There is an exercise that everyone can do to find energy balance with colors, just follow the steps below:

1 - Find a quiet place for meditation or use bath time for this practice;
2 - Think of a place with nature, where there are rays of sun, water, and meditate.
3 - Imagine taking a bath (as in the shower) of colors following the sequence below:


4 - Think about each color in this sequence for five seconds.
5 - End your meditation with balance.

Chromotherapy: colors for balance

Enjoy the benefits of colors for balance in everyday life. Remember: balance starts in our thoughts! Start thinking good to the next.

Success and light to all!

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