Choose healthy vegetarianism

Many people who choose to try a vegetarian life give up because they find it difficult to adapt to their eating habits. With that in mind, the NGO “Mercy for animals” created a basic guide to give you all the necessary information and tips on how you can become a vegetarian without giving up your health or the taste of good food. Here's some information that the guide highlights:


To have more motivation to have a vegetarian life, mirror your idols who also opted for this lifestyle. If they can do it, you can do it too. Some celebrities who are vegetarian: Paul McCartney, Jared Leto, Miley Cirus, Albert Einstein, among others. When you start researching, you'll see that there are a lot more vegetarian celebrities than you might think.

contact with animals

If you live in a big city, sometimes try to visit a rural area to get in touch with the animals that are raised there. You will feel that they are living beings like us and that it makes no sense to kill them for food. Then go on the internet and look for videos of how they are treated in slaughterhouses and feel the unnecessary cruelty that exists in these places. This is a way to improve your awareness of animals and thus give you more strength to follow a vegetarian life without hesitation.

Choose healthy vegetarianism


A vegetarian lifestyle helps prevent various health problems and this is more than enough reason to motivate you to change your eating habits. According to research, a vegetarian diet reduces the risk of having heart disease and diabetes, in addition to decreasing the amount of fat in the body, which also directly influences your health.

get used to it little by little

One of the best tips for becoming a vegetarian is not to change radically too quickly. You can gradually remove meat from your meals. Start with one day of the week and then gradually increase. Respect your body's rhythm and see how much easier it will be to get used to new eating habits.


When changing your menu, try to replace meat with foods with plenty of protein so you don't miss meat. Soy burger, vegetarian meat and vegetarian feijoada are great options!

This is just some basic information to get you excited about becoming a vegetarian. If you are really committed to adopting this new lifestyle, check out the complete guide from the NGO “Mercy for Animals” and see how becoming vegetarian can be much better and easier than you think.

Text written by Ricardo Sturk from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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