Chocolate addiction, how to change this scenario?

The benefits of chocolate are associated with mood, this is scientifically proven. But what causes food intake to change your emotional state is the link with a neurotransmitter, serotonin. And it is in this context that chocolate addiction can arise.

Possible causes of addiction

According to nutritionist Carolina Portezan, “addiction can be a factor related to a lack of serotonin. As chocolate has a high content of tyrosine, which helps in the production of the neurotransmitter, it ends up mitigating the absence in the brain and causing a feeling of relaxation and pleasure”.

There is also the assumption that chocolate has psychoactive chemical compounds, but so far it has not been proven that addiction to candy is related to pharmacological constituents of cocoa and food. According to Poliana Fernandes de Almeida, a specialist in food technology, “desire can be involved with the sensory properties of chocolate such as taste, aroma and texture (melt in the mouth), which cause a pleasant experience in consumption”.


Liking chocolate is one thing, becoming a chocoholic is another. To avoid the onset of addiction, the ideal is to be aware that consumption should be moderate, not exceeding 50g (which represents about two squares of a bar) per day.

In addition to the quantity, you have to worry about the choice of product. Pay attention to the caloric content, as this impacts the blood glucose rate and favors problems such as hypercholesterolemia, diarrhea and migraine. Excess can also help increase bad cholesterol.

Chocolate addiction, how to change this scenario?

If you are a chocoholic, check out 8 steps to get rid of addiction now

1. Have strong reasons to stop

You need to have well-defined reasons to quit, this will help you not to desperately eat chocolate. Among the reasons we can highlight getting into those favorite jeans, keeping your teeth whiter and healthier, etc.

2. Be realistic

It's impossible to drop the candy overnight, so start by decreasing the daily amount.

3. Change not only the quantity, but also the type

The first step is to reduce the amount you consume daily. Then opt for the options with more cocoa, that is, the most bitter chocolates.

4. Identify the source

Do you know where your addiction comes from? For example, if it increases a lot during your PMS, it could be a lack of magnesium. Increase your consumption of dark leafy greens, broccoli, nuts, walnuts and foods rich in chlorophyll. It is worth remembering that physical exercises also help regulate mood and can decrease the desire for chocolate.

5. Cherish chocolate

With the decrease in consumption, you will learn to value sweets at the right time. When you allow yourself to eat chocolate, don't feel guilty, on the contrary, savor it slowly and with pleasure.

6. No temptation

Get rid of your stock and avoid going to places that have a lot of product variety, otherwise it will be torture. Buy only when you allow yourself to consume.

7. Drink more fluids

When the urge strikes out of time, drink plenty of water, tea, juices, so the urge will be eased.

8. Share your goal

Tell your goal so that those close to you can encourage you too. Nothing like someone's support to resist temptation.

Text written by Natália Nocelli from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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