Breastfeeding, such a natural act and still considered taboo

    According to the World Health Organization, breastfeeding should be the único baby food up to 6 months and preferably maintained as complementary food up to 2 years of age.

    Many studies show the benefits of breastfeeding for mother and baby. Lower risk of breast and ovarian cancer, lower risk of postpartum bleeding, easier weight loss and lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes, these are some of the benefits that the breastfeeding mother has. As for the baby, some of the benefits are: it decreases the mortality rate, more resistance to infections, decreases the chances of having allergies, less propensity for obesity, decreases colic and stress, making it safer, calmer and closer ties. affections between mother and child.

    Breastfeeding, such a natural act and still considered taboo

    This is all very beautiful and loving, but there can also be pain and suffering involved. Why are many women still not informed of these benefits for themselves and their child? Could it be that our government officials still do not understand that knowledge leads to disease prevention and that this is good for everyone, including reducing public spending?

    And what about mothers who do not have at least their main daily meals? A poor diet in nutrients compromises the production of milk for your children.

    In addition, in the XNUMXst century, some mothers are still approached and reprimanded for breastfeeding in public!

    Breastfeeding, such a natural act and still considered tabooOften, there is a lack of information and collaboration on the part of the child's father and other family members involved. There are also case reports of mothers who, by experiencing stressful situations with the child's father or some close family members, end up creating an emotional imbalance that caused the inhibition of their milk. This is because stress hormones can inhibit the action of prolactin (milk production) and oxytocin (milk let-down) hormones.

    There are numerous issues related to breastfeeding where more information and more loving attitudes are needed.. Even though it is a natural process, mother and baby will have to learn about breastfeeding together, in the first place, it is important to have support e help of the child's father, but it is also necessary to awareness of family members and employers, in short, society in general.

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