live in abundance

    The word abundance means: a lot, a lot, a lot…

    The word scarcity means: lack, lack, deprivation, difficulty…

    Abundance is different from scarcity, they are opposites, many people want to live in abundance, but they behave with attitudes of scarcity, if you don't see the world in abundance, it will not come to you, on the contrary, it will attract scarcity.

    A simple example: you know that little package of chewing gum you buy, which is relatively “expensive” and only comes in 5 units?

    When you are in a situation with 2 or 3 other people and you feel like chewing gum, what's your behavior?

    Open and offer to everyone? Or do you open it, take one discreetly and then put the package away before anyone sees it?

    live in abundanceIf your attitude is more similar to the second option, this is an attitude of scarcity, for whoever lives in abundance not afraid to be without, is not afraid to donate and share, because he has plenty and knows that he will not be lacking, he knows that life, the universe and situations will always prosper, that's exactly how it happens.

    This is a simple example, but it can be placed in larger references in other life situations, such as money, situations where you will pay for services, products… What is your connection when you buy something? Or when will you pay for a service? Do you regret the money you are spending or do you vibrate so that that money prospers in the life of those who are receiving it and also returns in prosperity for you?

    I'll tell you a personal situation: I take a course close to the SĂŁo Paulo region and those who are from SĂŁo Paulo know how difficult it is to park on the street in this region, especially without being in the blue zone. On the first day of the course, I found a street that is not a blue zone very close to the course location, I shared the information with everyone in my class.

    Some people asked if I was out of my mind, because one day I would arrive and there would be no space for me on the street. I kindly replied that we live in abundance, the street is wide and there is room for everyone.

    live in abundance

    Thinking about scarcity is also thinking only about oneself and we have already learned here, in my last article, the concept of unity. We are all together, I could never keep the information to myself, being afraid that one day there will be no vacancy would be to be in the connection of scarcity and could only attract scarcity. And I want to live in abundance always!

    I never ran out of space, Never, and the day I arrive and there is no vacancy, that's ok, I stop in the blue zone, in the paid parking lot and it's all right as I live in abundance. If you don't have the free space, you will have the money for the blue zone or parking.


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