Breaking paradigms, embracing life

    More and more, there is a lot of news when it comes to food. PANCS (unconventional food plants) became fashionable, but how many times did they go to the table?

    Faced with so many different things, sometimes you find yourself resistant and wonder if that is as good as what they are saying.

    Resistances happen out of fear of the new, out of fears of the mind that does not want to go beyond the known, of what it already has under control.

    Breaking paradigms, embracing life

    Well I tell you it's worth innovating in your meals!

    Bringing something different to your plate stimulates the creation of new mental trails and the benefits go beyond the plate:

    - You can discover unusual flavors and fall in love.

    - You become more flexible to everyday challenges.

    - You develop your creative potential by bringing beauty and flavor to life.

    - You free yourself from recipes in search of satisfying the nuances of your taste.

    - You expand your connection with yourself, getting to know yourself and welcoming your wills.

    It may seem difficult to get out of the ordinary, but when you take the first step in that direction, you will find the contentment generated by the adventure of living in fullness.

    Visits to the organic fair are an invitation to discover.

    On Saturday, I found zucchini flowers at Yumi's stall, who gave me some inspiration for my table!

    Zucchini flowers with mushrooms and pout pepper:

    In the frying pan, I sautéed a handful of fresh biquinho pepper in the oil.

    Then I added some coarsely sliced ​​Portobello Mushroom.

    I let it brown and added the zucchini flowers.

    I sprinkled it with salt and waited for the flowers to soften.

    I removed it from the fire and enjoyed the beauty that served the eyes and the heart.

    Venture into the discovery of new flavors, because life has a lot to offer you!

    You may also like other articles by the author. Access: The kitchen that satisfies

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