Book Club: 5 books on healthy eating

Are you part of a book club? If not, know that it is past time to enter one. Participating in a reading group is always enriching and beneficial in many ways. After all, you read more, improve your knowledge, in addition to acquiring new knowledge, meet new people, discover new interests and so on.

There are usually monthly or bimonthly meetings of each book club (depending on the rules and routine of each one), in which participants talk about the book they read and listen to the experiences of other colleagues. Then, you can choose someone's book, based on the story that interests you most, to change works and start a new reading.

There is also another way of working: in some book clubs, one person is appointed as the “reader” of the round and is responsible for choosing a book for everyone to read. The following month, another member of the group will assume this role. The important thing is to realize that, in one way or another, everyone gains from the new knowledge acquired.

Of course, in addition to this exchange of culture and knowledge, you also gain friends, colleagues and, of course, lots of food and drinks during the meetings, which can take place at the home of one of the club members or in some public place, such as coffee shops. , for example. But even a good read can be supported by technology to become more practical and easier, if you wish.

Nowadays, there are also digital book clubs! In this case, the members of each group meet digitally, through video calls or even online chats, among other possibilities. To exchange the book, the post office can be a good option, in addition to the good old meeting in the city center or in a subway station that is easily accessible to interested people.

There are also sites that promote virtual bookshelves and exchanges of interesting literary experiences, where everyone can look for book reviews and synopses, in addition to the opinions of other users.

How about starting your own book club? It's a great option to gather your friends who enjoy reading and, why not, give other people the opportunity to fall in love with the world of books too.

Book Club: 5 books on healthy eating

Shall we start here? Below, you will find five book suggestions on healthy eating and lifestyle. Put in the comments other book options you know about this topic too!

1: Nutrition: Concepts and Controversies, by Frances Sizer and Eleanor Whitney

Did you know that our body is a scale? When in balance, we function perfectly. When not, we become destabilized and, in some area of ​​life, we will be unbalanced and lacking.

The book "Nutrition: Concepts and Controversies" explains, with scientific basis and in simple language, how our body accepts each type of nutrient that we put inside us, what are the functions of vitamins, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, water and so it goes; what happens when we consume some group in excess and what happens when we let some group go too far.

With this reading, you will understand about the functioning of the body and the food needs that the human being has at each stage of life. You will also learn about advances in the world of nutrition and also reflect on world hunger – how is food sharing done? What can we do to change the current scenario? Do we do our part?

2: A Doctor's Place is in the Kitchen, by Alberto Peribanez Gonzalez

For those who have to see it to believe it, reading the book “Pugar de Médico é na Cozinha”, written by doctor Alberto Peribanez Gonzalez, is a great opportunity to put everything to the test. That's because the work brings more than 80 recipes that prove and complement theories also presented in the same book, on food and health.

In the work, Dr. Alberto Gonzalez elucidates scientific studies that prove the healing power of different foods in the most varied situations and adversities. In addition, the author also shows the power of healthy eating for a life with more quality and well-being.

Book Club: 5 books on healthy eating

3: Food and Healing, by Annemarie Colbin

Annemarie Colbin is an American focused on healthy eating and quality of life – so much so that she founded the Natural Gourmet Institute, a culinary school based in New York, which focuses on teaching healthy nutrition and how food should be. beneficial to the body, not the other way around.

The book “Food and Healing” brings together important topics that address healthy cooking from the very beginning to more advanced proposals for knowledge. In the book, you will find chapters that even talk about the most famous diets today, such as Dukan, vegan, macrobiotic, low carb, among others.

4: Healing With Whole Foods, de Paul Pitchford

“Healing With Whole Foods” is a work that addresses several themes within the same subject: balance. The incessant search in his own life has made the author, Paul Pitchford, bring together what he considers to be the best of both worlds – western and eastern –, to then have in hand a set of good recipes, principles, cures and solutions for a healthier life.

From the West, Pitchford addresses the importance of regular physical exercise and contact with nature. From the east, the author explains about the benefits of raw food, alternative treatments, the influence of energies that exist in the universe and the principle of the theory of the five elements of traditional Chinese medicine. This and much more in a perfect compilation that integrates nutrition, ancient medicine and, more importantly than anything else, the relationship between human beings and food.

5: A Arte Fundamental da Vida, by Bernadette Kikuchi

“The Fundamental Art of Life” is a book with recipes that focus on a healthy eating style: macrobiotic cooking. It is a great option for anyone who wants to learn really healthy recipes of the most varied types - from practical and quick things for everyday lunch to more elaborate preparations - written by those who really understand the subject. After all, Bernadette Kikuchi, author of the book, is the wife of Professor Tomio Kikuchi, who introduced Microbiotics in Latin America, in addition to being his object of study for more than three decades.

Microbiotics aims to support the physical body and psychological state through healthy foods and preparations that improve well-being, health and, consequently, the quality of life.

Are there any other books you know of on the subject? Share your knowledge!

Written by Giovanna Frugis from the Eu Sem Fronteiras team.

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