Blood Type O Diet β€” What to Eat and What to Avoid?

A person's blood type is one of the most important pieces of information we can have about them, biologically speaking. It is from this data that we understand to whom she can donate blood and from whom she can receive it, for example.

This is because, although we are all composed of this red liquid, it is not the same for everyone. There are four blood types, which are either Rh positive or Rh negative. Thus, the blood of an individual can be: A+, A-, AB+, AB-, B+, B-, O+ or O-.

To identify your blood type, you need to take a blood test. That done, you can now unravel the universe of the blood type diet, created by Peter d'Adamo. For him, the food we eat affects our bodies in different ways, depending on the type of blood we have.

So a person with blood type O, positive or negative, must eat in a different way than someone with another blood type, in order to avoid diseases and maintain the proper functioning of the body. Next, learn more about the diet for this blood type!

Understand the influence of each type of food

The blood type diet advocated by Peter d'Adamo defines that there are three food groups for us. Beneficial foods, which prevent and cure disease, neutral foods, which are indifferent to our bodies, and harmful foods, which can cause disease.

Blood Type O Diet β€” What to Eat and What to Avoid?
August de Richelieu / Pexels

That's because each food interacts in a different way with our blood, depending on the blood type we have. They can facilitate or hinder digestion, stimulate or discourage the production of more saliva, strengthen or weaken immunity and encourage the disposal of toxins or accumulate them, for example.

That way, you can promote your body to function more efficiently if you know the foods that are good for your blood type. Next, you will find out which ingredients are most suitable for blood type O!

Foods Good for Blood Type O

Type O blood has a hunter profile. That is, he needs a diet rich in protein to function fully in the body. But what are the best sources of protein for those with this blood type?

Good foods for blood type O are: meat (beef, venison, liver, lamb, sheep, buffalo and beef heart), fish (cod, perch, swordfish and halibut), olive oil, flaxseed, seeds (squash, sunflower and sesame), nuts and vegetables (kelp, onion, chicory, dandelion, spinach, beet greens, pumpkin, Swiss chard, artichoke, sweet potato, broccoli, endive, okra and turnip).

Blood Type O Diet β€” What to Eat and What to Avoid?
Dana Tentis / Pexels

In addition, the following foods are also allowed: black beans, plums, bananas, blackberries, cherries, figs, raspberries, guava and mangoes. Seasonings can be turmeric, parsley, curry, cayenne pepper and carob. All the ingredients listed need a lot of gastric juice to digest, and that's exactly what the blood provides the body with.

neutral foods

Neutral foods for blood type O are those that do not heal and do not cause illness. Therefore, they can be consumed without exaggeration, as they do not represent a proven benefit for the body. Are they:

Ostrich, rabbit, horse, chicken, turkey, pigeon, pheasant and goat meat; fish and seafood, such as tuna, dogfish, carp, mackerel, trout, mussels, shrimp, crab, oyster, lobster and sardines; almond, canola, sesame, walnut and cod liver oils; nuts, which can be almonds, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, seeds or pine nuts.

In this case, carbohydrates are considered neutral for the body and can be ingested: amaranth, rice, oats, rye flour, rye or gluten-free bread, quinoa, buckwheat and tapioca. Among the vegetables, red and green beans, soybeans, peas and chickpeas.

Blood Type O Diet β€” What to Eat and What to Avoid?
Vie Studio / Pexels

There is a wide variety of vegetables, such as zucchini, celery, watercress, lettuce, green olives, asparagus, eggplant, beets, carrots, sauerkraut, coriander, mushrooms, Brussels sprouts, peas, ginger, pumpkin, yams, radishes, peppers, cabbage, arugula and tomato.

The following seasonings are also considered neutral: garlic, fennel, chives, turmeric, rosemary, vanilla, cinnamon, cardamom, pepper, coriander, cloves, stevia, tarragon, mint, bay leaf, basil, mustard, oregano, paprika, sea ​​salt, sage and thyme.

Finally, pineapple, persimmon, peach, raspberry, lemon, apple, papaya, watermelon, melon, strawberry, pear, pomegranate, grape and date fruits do not harm and do not benefit the body of those who have O blood.

Bad foods for blood type O

Once you know the foods you can consume if you have type O blood, it's time to discover which ingredients you should avoid in your diet. They can over-facilitate the digestion process, causing the gastric juices your body releases to build up, resulting in gastritis, for example.

Therefore, avoid: bacon, ham, quail, catfish, squid, octopus, frog; milk and dairy products, such as cream, goat's milk, margarine, yogurt, kefir and cheeses (brie, blue, parmesan, ricotta, emmental, gouda, gruyere, provolone, cottage, cheddar and camembert); white beans and lentils, as well as chestnuts, peanuts, sunflower seeds and pistachios.

Blood Type O Diet β€” What to Eat and What to Avoid?
Digital Buggu / Pexels

Other foods harmful to blood type O include: wheat derivatives, cornstarch, barley, gluten, leeks, alfalfa, cucumbers, capers, potatoes, avocados, cherries, kiwis, oranges, coconuts, melons and tangerines. Regarding oils, you should avoid coconut, peanut, cotton, sunflower, corn, castor, soy and evening primrose.

Finally, it is important to avoid the following beverages: coffee, black tea, beer, soft drinks and hard liquor. There are also foods that should be avoided to combat fluid and fat retention, such as coconut milk, corn syrup, quail egg, nutmeg and aspartame.

Can I do the Blood Type O Diet?

The blood type O diet can only be performed by those who have this blood type. In addition, all diets should be recommended by health professionals, such as nutritionists. Only they can define what your body needs and what foods can help you be healthier.

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It is important to point out, in this case, that the blood type diet has no scientific evidence and is even criticized for this reason. So, before doing it, seek a medical opinion to understand what is really suitable for your health.

In view of all the content presented, we conclude that the blood type O diet is composed of a wide variety of proteins. However, it is important to pay attention to foods that can promote the accumulation of fats and toxins, in order to increase your well-being. Always seek medical help before going on a diet!

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