The power of introspection

    We are currently living in a time when a lot of information comes to us. We are bombarded by many stimuli. Life in cities is very busy, troubled, noisy, and in a few hours we have to deal with many responsibilities. In short, the requirements are numerous.

    Often, we arrive at the end of the day physically, mentally and emotionally tired, as if we had spent hours walking a tightrope and balancing dishes at the same time. When we realize it, the heart is out of step, breathing is accelerated and we feel agitated and anxious. We go to sleep exhausted and, because of mental activity, we are unable to relax and sleep soundly. The next day, we wake up tired and scared with the idea that everything is going to start all over again. Conclusion: we spent the day without strength, we slept and woke up exhausted, without energy to start the day and kill another lion. Ufa!

    The reality is that we need to work, earn our money; sometimes, running from one side to the other, responding to the challenges that present themselves, taking care of life. That's assuming the adult position. That's what being in the world is. But I can say with certainty: performing our functions and taking control of life don't have to be painful obligations, because we have internal resources that save us, that relieve us and that can ease, and a lot, the pressure we live.

    One such resource is Introspection. I write in capital letters because it is a power that is available to us at any time; it is the possibility of getting in touch with our own center; an inner dive for rebalancing, energy recovery and connection with what is most essential within us. In this sacred space we find joy, truth, courage, peace. We are our true source. We will not find this externally. We only replenish ourselves from ourselves.

    The power of introspection

    It is good to clarify that introspection is a retraction movement, but it is not isolation. Isolation happens when, for some reason, we think we need to protect ourselves from the world and close ourselves off from everything. What causes this can be something related to self-esteem and the difficulty of creating bonds (when we isolate ourselves from the other we have the false feeling of being safe, invulnerable). In that case, there is no growth. There is stoppage. In this case, the person is guided by fear.

    Introspection, on the contrary, is rich in possibilities. When we stop the external voices and the buzz of our mind, we can enter our silence and, from there, find answers, directions for some question. In addition, introspection brings out intuition, making it possible to hear our own voice. Thus, we allow the wiser part that lives within us to manifest.

    For that, no magic is needed. I'll give you some tips:

    – Throughout the day, take small one-minute breaks. That's right. One minute, sixty seconds.

    – Sit down somewhere quiet and make yourself as comfortable as possible. It can be in your work room or even in the bathroom, but if you can, seek nature. It doesn't matter the place, what matters is to stop for a little while.

    – Take three deep breaths, feel your body loosening up and then breathe normally.

    – For a minute, simply pay attention to your breathing. Don't fight with the thoughts that come because they will come. We are very used to thinking too much. Let them come and let them go.

    - And breathe.  

    – Up to one minute.

    It makes a lot of difference! Try it! After this simple minute, you will be more balanced, calmer and the energy that was scattered will return to center. Breathing is a gift. Through it we can travel within ourselves. Use it whenever you feel anxious, nervous, indecisive, angry, or simply to maintain a calm state.  

    The more deeply we delve into ourselves, the stronger we will be to deal with the challenges that present themselves and the less fragile we will be to movements that come from outside. That is, we will be less reactive and more active; the better we will be for building healthier, loving and balanced relationships.

    Dive deep. In you.


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