Binaural frequencies – what are they and what are the benefits?

There is no doubt that music is good for our health. In fact, it's science who says that. There are several studies that prove that music can contribute to brain development and emotional health. An essay published in 2019, in Revista Literartes, from USP, shows that music acts as an improvement factor in several diseases, especially depression and Alzheimer's.

Another study, carried out in 2018 in a partnership between Unesp/Marília, Faculdade de Juazeiro do Norte (CE), Faculdade de Medicina do ABC and Oxford Brookes University (England), revealed that music helps to enhance drug treatment of hypertension.

And not only the songs themselves are good, but the sounds, in general, have the power to provoke various sensations.

Who has never felt relaxed with the sound of rain, birdsong or the noise of the wind? And there are sounds with specific benefits for our health. This is the case with binaural frequencies, also called binaural sounds, binaural beats or binaural beats.

In this article, we will better explain this phenomenon and its benefits for our physical and mental health.

But first, an explanation…

For you to better understand what binaural frequencies are, let's start with the basics: What is sound frequency? Sound is a wave that travels through the air through vibrations. Every sound has a frequency, which is the speed at which these vibrations propagate.

The frequency determines the pitch (number of cycles) of the sound, that is, the higher it is, the higher the sound. On the other hand, the lower the frequency, the more serious it will be. We must not confuse height with volume (the latter, measured in decibels).

Binaural frequencies – what are they and what are the benefits?
Pawel Czerwinski / Unsplash

Frequencies are measured in hertz (Hz) and the healthy human ear can only perceive a certain hertz range: between 20 Hz and 20.000 kHz. This track is called Audible Sound. Sounds below 20 Hz are on the infrasound scale (examples: sounds emitted by lightning, earthquakes). Those exceeding 20.000 Hz are classified as ultrasound (yes! Imaging exams are included in this range).

Although we cannot hear frequencies below 20 Hz, they can, yes, affect our hearing. And, if they can cause harm, when applied in specific ways, they are capable of causing benefits as well. That's where some healing, relaxing, attractive frequencies come in, among them the binaural frequencies.

What are binaural frequencies?

Binaural frequencies are a type of auditory “illusion”, in which the brain picks up and perceives two slightly different sound frequencies reproduced in each ear. Hence the name “binaural” (“bi”: “two”; “aural”: “heard”). These sounds are believed to be capable of altering the brain's frequency, and can even have effects on our behavior and state of mind.

When these two distinct frequencies are perceived, the brain creates a third sound, resulting from the difference between the two. So, our focus is on this third sound generated, as a form of compensation.

Simply put: if we hear two different frequencies, one for each ear, for example, 140 Hz and 146 Hz, respectively, the difference between the two (6 Hz) becomes “tuned” by the brain. And so binaural beats are formed.

What are the benefits of binaural sounds?

The benefits of binaural beats have been researched for over a century. One of the most relevant studies is the article “Auditory Beats in the Brain” ("Auditory Beats in the Brain", in free translation), published by biophysicist Gerald Oster in 1973. In this study, beats are used to prove that auditory stimuli improve brain functioning.

Other research, published in 2005 in the Association of Anaesthesists (England), suggested that binaural audio has the potential to significantly reduce acute preoperative anxiety in patients undergoing general anesthesia.

Binaural frequencies – what are they and what are the benefits?
Samuel Rios / Unsplash

In addition to this study, certain bands are believed to have a specific effect. And, among the various benefits, are the reduction of stress and anxiety, increased concentration and memory, mental coordination, memory improvement, among others. See below for each type of frequency and the benefits of each.

What are binaural frequencies?

As we said above, there are different types of frequencies, each with a range of Hertz and a number of specific benefits. We call these categories waves or patterns and, according to research carried out on the topic, 5 frequency patterns were created:

Delta - 0,5 to 4 Hz

It is the lowest frequency of all and is associated with healing and regeneration – physical, mental and spiritual. At this frequency, anti-aging and growth hormones are released. The waves act in the maintenance of the skin and bone density and in the good condition of the joints and can also help in the healing processes and in the healing of physical pain.

Theta – 4 and 7 Hz

Waves used to help with meditation, stimulate creativity and learning, and reduce stress and anxiety. In addition, they act in spontaneous healing. This is a frequency range that makes spiritual connection possible and is associated with astral projection and lucid dreaming.

Alpha – 7 to 13 Hz

Pattern that helps in states of stress and depression, increasing vital energy. It makes meditation lighter and generates better mental coordination. These waves keep us focused, being very effective in processing and storing information, as well as in the learning processes.

Beta – 13 a 40 Hz

Binaural beats that put the brain in a state of alert, which is essential for concentration, logical thinking and problem solving, but are not highly recommended for those who suffer from anxiety, as it can increase this state.

Gamma – above 40 Hz

It is the fastest and most useful frequency band for those who need to be hyperfocused and concentrated, helping to process large amounts of information in a short time. These waves provide the potentiation of memory and are associated with high levels of perception.

Check out a playlist with some binaural frequencies below:

How to use binaural sounds?

You can listen to binaural beats according to your objective, based on the benefits we listed in the previous topic. For example, the best binaural frequency for sleeping might be delta. And when the question is about what kind of wave to study, the highest frequencies are the ideas, especially beta waves.

Now, some important information: as sound propagates in the air, mixing with it, it is not possible to make each frequency reach each ear distinctly, which, in this way, prevents the binaural illusion from happening. Therefore, it is recommended to use headphones for the process to work.

Where to hear the binaural beats

Nowadays, with the variety of streaming services, it is very easy to find various playlists of binaural sounds – from albums to podcasts. You can find these sounds on platforms such as YouTube, Deezer, Spotify, Amazon Music and SoundCloud. There are even these sounds mixed with sounds of nature, such as rain, thunder, wind, ocean waves, which help you relax even more.

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The fact is that music has great benefits for our lives. Science proves it, our body attests. So, take full advantage of the information we've brought you and start looking for ways to improve your physical, mental and spiritual well-being. You will feel refreshed, motivated and at peace with yourself!

As we mentioned above, there are other frequencies, in addition to the binaural ones, that promote physical and emotional improvements. If you want to know more about the subject, take the opportunity to explore more of our content on the topic, such as this one: The Hertz Frequencies.

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