Eight tips to sustain the relationship in times of financial crisis

    In times of financial crisis even relationships can be affected. And it is no less. In the middle of 2017, many people are unemployed and so many others are looking for an opportunity. And if you were also unemployed and are looking for a new job, don't give up, but take great care so your relationship doesn't get affected. The same goes if the couple is employed but in debt. Check out eight tips to sustain the relationship in times of financial crisis.

    1- Always dialogue: talking is essential in times when the partner is unemployed. It's time to review the bills, cut costs and think of ways to get out of the financial crisis. It is important for the couple to think that it is a phase and when united it is much easier to go through this financial crisis.

    2-Encourage the partner: don't put your partner down. If opportunities take a while to come, don't be insulting your partner. This is the time to support and encourage. Maybe it's time to qualify. There are even free online courses to take.

    3-Date when possible: don't let worries and debt plague your relationship. Whenever possible, cuddle, date your partner. This is a moment of support and all affection will be welcome. As much as at this time the partner is not always in the mood to enjoy a moment for two, it's time to inspire and encourage romance. This will keep the relationship strong.

    Eight tips to sustain the relationship in times of financial crisis

    4-Don't keep pointing out weaknesses: not having a job can make anyone sad. And this affects the person's self-esteem and well-being. And in this weak hour is not the time to point out the weak points, but to dialogue. Show what the partner can improve on, show other areas of work. Incentive is important. And it's not worth looking for culprits for the financial crisis, this is the time for both to be able to identify ways to overcome the crisis and reflect on how they got to this moment.

    5-Playing on the same team: the couple to stay strong in the face of a financial crisis needs to play on the same team. If you both have different goals, it's easier for the relationship to go into a personal crisis and affect both of you. Both need to support each other, follow the job search routine or even if they are employed, find ways to reduce debt. Here it is even worth seeking help from a financial advisor. This will be an investment with a good return.

    6-Do the math and don't despair: if the accounts are negative, nothing to despair. There are ways to trade accounts. But it is up to the couple to have a dialogue in relation to reducing costs, reviewing expenses and priorities. Both cannot think that nothing is happening. They need to know that they are going through a financial crisis and accept that moment. Only in this way is it possible to evolve and find solutions.

    7-Look for escape loopholes: when the financial crisis hits the relationship, it's up to the couple not to look for ways out. Whether it's drinking, another relationship, or even more debt. The two need to be united and embrace this moment together. Seek escapes only when they are looking for reasonable and not illusory alternatives.

    8-Moment of strengthening the couple: the financial crisis when well faced certainly strengthens the relationship. Even because we know that a relationship is not only made of good times, but bad ones as well. It is at this time that it is possible to get to know your partner better, to see what his virtues are. Strengthening can even improve this relationship, it can serve as inspiration for other dreams and goals.

    Written by Angélica Fabiane Weise from the Eu Sem Fronteiras team

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