benefits of propolis

Before knowing the benefits of propolis, let's explain what it is. The origin of the word shows its power: “pro” means “defence” and “polis” means “city”. Bees produce the material from the resin contained in the flower buds. The material has several functions: to protect the hive from cracks, to keep out predators and to protect from possible attacks. Whoever manages to invade is killed and their body embalmed by propolis. The material still keeps the hive clean, as bees bathe in it before entering the hive.

In addition to coloring Golden, there are three types of propolis: green, black and red. All are beneficial to health, know the basic characteristics of each one:

– Green propolis: based on resin and other rosemary flower materials;

– Black propolis: produced with various types of flowers;

– Red propolis: made with the rabo-de-bugio plant, found on the beaches and mangroves of the northeast.

More than 200 chemical compounds have already been cataloged that help the body to function properly. Check out the main properties of propolis:

1. Immune system booster

Propolis stimulates the production of antibodies, which strengthens the immune system. It is recommended to take 3 tablespoons of propolis with water once a day.

2. Antioxidant

Regular consumption of propolis rids the body of free radicals, substances that age cells. Its power is such that research from the National Cancer Institute of the United States points to its effectiveness in preventing and destroying cancer cells.

3. Antiviral

Who has never taken propolis during colds or flu? The moms and grandmas were right. For this purpose, it is recommended to take 15 drops diluted in water, or 4 or 5 drops in a cup of water to gargle three times a day. Another recipe is inhalation with 10 drops of propolis twice a day.

4. Antibacterial and antifungal

benefits of propolisPropolis fights bad bacteria and keeps the good ones. It is widely used in bacterial diseases such as pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, pneumonia, tonsillitis, verminoses and gynecological problems. The antifungal action fights mycoses, chilblains and scalp problems. The same indication as in item 1 can be used.

5. Analgesic

Ear pain can be treated with massages around the ear made with 2 or 3 drops of propolis.

6. Healing

Have you noticed how many recipes for face masks and propolis-based treatments are out there? It is because the flavonoids and amino acids, found in propolis, are responsible for healing wounds, dermatitis and pimples. For cold sores and herpes, apply 3 or 4 drops to the wound 3 times a day. For pimples, 1 or 2 drops on the affected area 4 to 5 times a day.

7. Oral sanitizer

In Japan there are propolis-based gum to treat cavities. Oral hygiene is done with 5 drops of propolis diluted in 4 spoons of water after the first and last brushing of the day.

Recommendations before consuming propolis

The consumption of 5 drops daily is a positive habit. However, before use, drip 2 drops on the forearm and wait 30 minutes to confirm a possible allergy. If offered to children, use only propolis without alcohol extract.

Did you know the powers of propolis? Now that you know, enjoy it and make it part of your everyday life! Learn another way to use it, also in the treatment of sinusitis.

Text written by Sumaia de Santana from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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