August 15th Mother's Day

August 15th: the day of the Pregnant Woman is celebrated!

It would be interesting if every woman, upon discovering that she is pregnant, started to feel and be treated this way.

Not in a different way, but in a special way, in a real sense of the word “pregnant woman”, the one who gestates.

Gestar means to give rise to something, to generate another being within one's own body.

When we are going to create something, we pay attention to the necessary elements, we dedicate attention to what we are going to create, knowing that all dedication will have a beneficial result later on. Dedication from conscious attention gives strength and solid structure to what is being generated.
We are living a very significant moment in terms of pregnancy. 

With the expansion of the digital age, we have much more access to information and can, with it, create new ways of doing things.
Information brings with it new possibilities, new information and offers a new path to be followed. And then, while we have a lot of information at our disposal, it is up to us to know how to choose the one that will bring the best benefits, in this case, both for the pregnant woman and for the being that is being generated.

August 15th Mother's Day
Thiago Borges / Pexels

As a parapsychologist, the message I bring to pregnant women is that the mind is what controls the functioning of the body and that many reactions manifested by the body come from subconscious programming.

In our subconscious are inscribed the cosmic laws, the natural laws of our survival.

Information can either collaborate or harm the mind, it is necessary to choose the information that we are going to put in our subconscious.

And as a doula, the message I bring that day is that by harmonizing the mind, the body reconnects with what is natural. And connected with the natural, he will know exactly what to do, both in the gestational process and mainly in the conclusion of this process, which is birth, where he will bring the work of his gestation in a concrete way to life.

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Good information, trust and connection with the natural is what I wish for all pregnant women on that day.

Happy day!

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