Who should we follow to find the great truth?

    The Pied Piper of Hamelin, a fable by the Brothers Grimm, tells of a flute player who managed the feat of driving all the rats that infested streets and houses out of a village using his enchanted flute. Following him, totally bewitched, the mice entered the river with him and drowned, victims of the hypnosis that dominated them.

    This is just a quick summary of a story rich in occult teachings. The text can be treated as a metaphor of the modern human being, who suffers waiting for solutions that come from outside and dreams of the coming of some messiah to save him from an existential void. Poor soul who becomes an unconditional follower of sick doctrines and bizarre theologies, believing in the first flutists who touch their broken hearts with promises of ecstasy or shortcuts โ€“ almost always dangerous โ€“ for any Shangrilรก.

    These false christs, skilled in seductive verbiage, are great orators and use their resources and charms to exploit the good faith of those who have not yet reached reason and live as inmates in Plato's Cave, totally immersed in disinformation and trapped in a world of illusions. They are like shipwrecked men struggling in the ocean, ready to grab any board thrown at them.

    Still under the influence of the worshiper archetype, bringing in the soul the most primitive instincts of devotion, these unfortunates pay reverence to false gurus that swarm in all corners of the planet. Almost all of these so-called masters turn out to be sordid profiteers, presumptuous blind leading the blind, acting like despots who preach renunciation to their followers while enriching and enjoying earthly pleasures.

    The villain of the tale is not the mice, but the flutist, however, no child understands this, not even adults understand that the fable refers to the irresistible and overwhelming force of the sound of a flute that represents (in a hidden way) the power seductive of someone talented with words, few understand that it is an analogy that portrays someone capable of leading crowds of people (rats), in a talented way, to the abyss, through motivating speeches and magical solutions to their pain.

    As long as the human being lives waiting for external solutions, as long as he thinks that happiness can only be found in the world around him, he will be vulnerable to all sorts of pernicious influences from shrewd profiteers. As long as you feel incapable, weak, impotent and unprotected, you will be with saucers in hand waiting for transcendental aids for a confrontation that is yours.

    Who should we follow to find the great truth?There is only one Master, there is only one Guru and it is our SELF (self). He is all the Way, all Truth and all Life, he is our Inner Christ, but calm down, it does not mean that there are no examples to be followed, it does not mean that the great spiritual leaders who have passed through the planet should not be treated with reverence, however, it is necessary to understand that simple devotion is innocuous, it creates golden cages, because we cannot transfer our problems to these entities to solve them. The difficulties of existence are educational and enriching tasks, part of the logic of evolution itself. Man needs to take full responsibility for himself, he needs to face the dragons of his inner world with courage, for that, the Forces of the Universe will be with him, but they will never fight in his place.

    Buddha, Krishna, Jesus of Nazareth, Francis of Assisi, Ramakrishna and Ramana Maharshi are some living examples of Masters who came to the world to teach, not to gather followers. All of them were portraits of renunciation and detachment, they raised our soul with hope and taught us to seek enlightenment within ourselves.

    Gurus charging Satsangs, Masters parading in Rolls Royces, Pastors in bathtubs of gold, Holiness supporting corrupt governments, etc. are some bizarre examples of wolves in sheep's clothing. One day we will learn that everything we seek we already have, one day we will know all the power we have to transform reality itself and not kiss the ground where the gurus who enslave us pass.

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