Art therapy: what is it?

    Art is the greatest form of human expression. The beauty of human artistic production expresses its interior and exterior. When artistic languages ​​are used as therapeutic resources, without aesthetic concerns, it is called, then, Art Therapy.

    The main objective of Art Therapy is self-knowledge, the rescue of self-esteem and empowerment, conflicts are resolved in the best way. It can be considered a new profession awaiting regulation, a new path of self-healing. The activities bring unconscious contents and at the time of language transposition they reach consciousness.

    For the art therapy process to happen, there must be empathy and trust between client and art therapist. 

    Art and healing are associated, because creating is a human need and if man does not create, he gets lost or gets sick. Creativity is necessary for survival. The creative process with a therapeutic focus provides well-being to the human being. The creative act makes it possible to deconstruct situations, feelings, dark contents and reconstruct or re-signify life experiences, pointing out new paths, a process that involves transforming and revealing emotion. This movement can be compared to a deep dive into the interior of the Being.

    Art therapy: what is it?

    The art therapist can use any of the artistic languages ​​in the consultations: painting, drawing, collage, music, dance, theater, dolls, literature, works with threads and fabrics, among others. Materiality must be carefully observed, as each material offers an objective or therapeutic characteristic according to what needs to be worked on. The entire process of each meeting must also be observed: the client's words or comments, gestures and the work created itself. The activities bring contents from the unconscious and at the time of language transposition, they become conscious.

    Surrendering to the art therapy process is an act of courage, but very rewarding. It raises self-esteem, self-confidence and brings joy to life. It is worth it! Art therapy can be considered a new profession, a new path of self-healing and is awaiting regulation.

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