Always say yes to the present moment

Why be at war with the world? Why believe that life is a struggle? Thinking like this, you will be on an eternal battlefield, your life will be a course of confrontations and you will be heading in the opposite direction of true awakening. Why insist on this belligerent model?

Revolting against the events of your daily life, reacting to the impositions of the Universe, running away from reality, all these are subterfuges that reinforce your cowardly posture. You dress up in the myth of the hero, but you don't realize that all you are doing is denying reality, you don't realize that you act like a Don Quixote fighting windmills. You act like this because you are still governed by instincts, you are still under the influence of your reptilian brain that only knows two options in the face of events: flee or fight.

Always say yes to the present moment

It takes a lot of courage to trust, deliver, accept and thank for everything that life is offering. When will you understand that there is a high and good aim in everything that happens to you?

No matter what this present moment is presenting, act as if you were the one who chose to live it this way, because believe me, there is an instance in your own being, known as the Self, choosing what manifests in your reality, for this same instance understands what's best for you, knows the 'true' needs of the soul and, although you disagree, know that this 'you', who acts rebelliously, is actually just a character in this plot, it's just your ego .

What already is, already is, there is nothing more insane than wanting to change reality, there is nothing more foolish than running away from what is and taking refuge in stupid idealizations.

This is not complacency, on the contrary, this is absolutely intelligent and dynamic, because when we humbly put ourselves in front of the facts like a student in front of a lesson, the growth is gigantic. Do you want to be that repeating student? Want to continue going through recoveries? I do not think so! Deep down you want to graduate, so think... why be so rebellious? Why not surrender to life's imperatives and understand that you were never really in control? You will always meet the people you 'need' to meet on your way, you will always be exposed to the events you 'need' to face, there are no mistakes or injustices, it's just your vision that needs to change.

Deliver, trust, accept and thank.

Jesus taught that it is the Father's will and not his will that must prevail. The Father for the Nazarene Master is the very representation of the Self, he is Jung's Imago Dei, simply, God in us. The Father is the essence that we neglect and, in an absolutely rebellious way, we try to deny.

It is necessary to stop listening to the mind and feeling the heart, it is necessary to stop being guided by the old program of outdated conditioning that, unfortunately, still guides our actions, and to turn to itself; return to the Father's house, only then will we be living within the only possible reality.

The reality of the present moment.

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