Anxiety Attack? 6 foods that can calm you down

Anxiety Attack? 6 foods that can calm you down

We all go through some anxious moments. Generally, it happens more when we are going to live some new experience (such as pregnancy) or when we are going to venture into the unknown (a job interview, for example). We feel restless and sometimes even more stressed. This is normal.

But if you constantly experience palpitations or a headache, if you need to drink to distract yourself, or if you are experiencing long periods of insomnia, you are probably having panic attacks. In that case, it is always good to consult a doctor.

This article is not going to give you a “cure” for panic attacks, but it will suggest foods you can — and should — eat that will help you stay calmer and more relaxed. On the bright side, it's great that anxiety has such yummy remedies. Take a look.


Turkey is high in protein, low in fat and full of iron, zinc, potassium, Vitamin B and can even help you lower your cholesterol levels. Great reasons to replace regular bacon with turkey bacon. And yes, there is a reason why you feel so much like Sleeping Beauty after consuming a turkey leg for Christmas. Tryptophan is an ingredient that helps activate serotonin: this is what makes you feel calmer.

Chamomile tea

The next time someone offers you chamomile tea, take it. It relieves stomach pains and migraines, decreases skin inflammation (including acne) and can also help fight insomnia! A cup before bedtime will calm you down. But for even better results, drink 3-4 cups a day and about an hour before bed. That way, you will have a better sleep.

Green leaves

Green leaves should already be part of your diet. They have a lot of fiber, calcium, folic acid, Vitamin C and magnesium. They can also relax you and help reduce anxiety (a great reason to have a salad for lunch). It's basically the magnesium that leads to this. It is a natural agent that calms the body. Studies indicated that many anxious people were low on magnesium. Go eat some leaves now!

Whole grains

The benefits of whole grains are countless! They help keep blood pressure under control, help maintain weight and are full of essential minerals. Some studies have even indicated that they may lower the risk of cancer and also protect teeth and gums. Since whole grains also contain magnesium and tryptophan, breads and cereals made from them can keep anxiety at bay.


Blueberries are rich in Vitamin C and fiber. And our bodies need both! They are also great for brain health and fighting aging. Because they have few calories, they are also delicious snacks if you are looking to lose weight. Something else about blueberries? Antioxidants. Something essential to help keep calm, even in the most stressful situations.

chocolate covered almonds

Almonds are rich in protein. They also have a significant amount of Vitamin E, which helps to heal the body and keep the skin looking better. They are also able to control the blood sugar level, increase nutritional absorption and improve the quality of digestion. They are on this list for the amount of zinc they have. And if they have some dark chocolate in them, even better! Chocolate helps decrease cortisol — the stress hormone we have in our bodies (which also causes us to gain weight). A good reason to make your own chocolate covered almonds (bitter) recipe.

If you know how to look at the positive side of situations, anxiety brings delicious remedies.. It's always good to see a doctor (usually a psychiatrist), but the fact is that we all go through certain moments that make us anxious, whether we like it or not. The solution? Just take a snack in your bag!

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