Antioxidant: understand what it is and what it is for

Antioxidants are substances that help prevent the action of free radicals in the cells of the body. They prevent cellular damage, such as DNA aging, and risky diseases, such as cancer. These substances can be found in foods, vitamins, minerals, supplements, and even anti-aging beauty products.

Its action provides electrons to free radicals, so that they become stable molecules and do not harm the body's healthy cells. Want to know more about the types of antioxidants, their anti-aging powers, where to find them, and their myths and truths? Come on!

What types of antioxidants?

Antioxidants are divided into two types: endogenous and exogenous. Endogenous enzymes are naturally produced by the body, having a direct influence on food, sleep and stress in each organism. Endogenous production decreases over the years, as, as we get older, this production becomes “weaker”.

Antioxidant: understand what it is and what it is for
Free-Photos / Pixabay

Exogenous antioxidants, in turn, are acquired through what we eat, through a diet rich in vitamins and minerals. The main antioxidant vitamins are C, E and A, in addition to carotenoids, flavonoids, lycopene, copper, selenium and zinc. The guarantee of exogenous production in the body can only happen optimally when people have a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

The power of antioxidants to fight aging

Widely used in aesthetics, antioxidants are one of the main compositions of anti-aging creams for the skin. Often, these products make use of more than one antioxidant and are almost always combined with collagen, which has many benefits for the skin.

The damage generated by free radicals is the oxidation of cells, which ends up promoting wrinkles and visible lines of expression. With the use of creams, it is possible to have healthy and youthful looking skin.

How and where can we find antioxidants

The main suppliers of antioxidants are natural foods, such as turmeric, olive oil, citrus and red fruits, horsetail tea, flaxseed, pineapple, papaya, among others. In addition to food, you can find them in powdered supplements and capsules, which require a nutritionist's recommendation. One of the most effective ways to find these substances is by opting for a more natural diet.

Myths and Truths About Antioxidants

For everything in life, you need to set limits! Excess can be harmful, as can lack of certain substances. With antioxidants, it's no different. Check out some myths and truths about them.

The ideal is to consume as much as you can – MYTH

In fact, excessive consumption of antioxidants can harm your health. The ideal is that the level of free radicals is controlled, and not extinguished of the organism. Despite being considered enemies of the human body, free radicals also have their necessary share of responsibility for the proper functioning of the body.

They can cure disease – MYTH

What can happen is that antioxidants prevent diseases from occurring! A healthy body is almost immune to disease. Therefore, if people make regular and moderate use of antioxidants, the chances of problems related to cell aging can be reduced.

Antioxidant: understand what it is and what it is for
Steve Buissinne/Pixabay

The ideal is to eat more fruits and vegetables – TRUTH

In addition to being very healthy, these foods are rich in antioxidants. The more colors are present in a meal, the better the action of these substances in the human organism, interacting with each other.

There are pro-oxidants – TRUTH

Foods like sugar, alcohol and trans fats are extremely oxidizing and actively contribute to inflammation in the body.

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There is a lot to learn about antioxidants and their benefits and harms to the human body. Anyway, a diet without exaggeration and very rich in varieties of fruits, vegetables and vegetables can be enough to keep the cells of the body healthy.

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