Antioxidant fruits: meet the red fruits!

First of all, it is important to define what “red fruits” are. The name encompasses a set of red and purplish colored fruits, which have one factor in common: their richness in antioxidants and benefits to the human body. Strawberry, blueberry, acerola, raspberry, blackberry and many others are fruits that fall into this category.

Red fruits help preserve the skin, protect health against infections and inflammation and still keep the brain youthful. All this is thanks to its antioxidant components, which stop free radicals (unstable molecules that cause diseases and attack cells, in addition to aging them).

The two main antioxidants found in berries are ellagic acid and anthocyanins. These two components are important allies in heart health, because they protect the arteries and also help in the prevention of various types of cancer. They have properties that inhibit enzymes that participate in inflammatory processes in the body, supporting the immune system.

Another advantage of consuming these berries is the reduction of bad blood cholesterol. A study carried out by the Federal University of Minas Gerais proved that anthocyanins reduce the cholesterol rate by 48,6%.

Strawberry and blueberry (the famous blueberry) can reduce the risk of heart attack in women aged 25 to 42, according to a study carried out by the Harvard Medical School, which proved that the regular intake of these fruits reduces the risk of suffering from the problem by 32%. .

In the brain, the advantages are also numerous. Fruits are able to slow down the aging of brain cells, keeping memory, concentration and other cognitive functions healthy.

Because they have a low glycemic index, they also prevent obesity and diabetes.
To feel all the wonders that come from red fruits on your skin, it is recommended to drink a cup of tea with a combination of fruits three times a week. They can be eaten as a dessert, in snacks, with cereal, in milk or yogurt. They can be found frozen, being great for preparing smoothies and shakes.

Red fruits with greater antioxidant power:


Antioxidant fruits: meet the red fruits!


It has B vitamins, folic acid, vitamin A and C. It protects blood vessels against inflammation. It is healing and diuretic.


Antioxidant fruits: meet the red fruits!


Rich in potassium, phenolic compounds (anthocyanins and resveratrol, which are antioxidants), it protects the heart and blood vessels against blockages.

Acai berry Bowl

Antioxidant fruits: meet the red fruits!


Packed with minerals such as iron, it prevents anemia. It has a high content of calcium and potassium, as well as fiber, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin C and polyphenols. And it is an excellent source of energy, as it is very caloric.


Antioxidant fruits: meet the red fruits!


It has a large amount of anthocyanins, ellagic acid, gallic acid, and carotenoids, which are antioxidant components. Prevents various types of cancer and chronic diseases.


Antioxidant fruits: meet the red fruits!


Source of potassium, fiber, B vitamins and vitamin C. Helps prevent heart disease and eye problems.


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