Acupuncture against fibromyalgia

    Muscle pain, tiredness, difficulty getting a good night's sleep, pain with pressure in some points of the body, among other symptoms, can be an indication of fibromyalgia. This is a non-inflammatory syndrome that causes an immense upheaval in the lives of those who suffer from it. And the worst of all is that they still haven't discovered the exact cause of the onset of the disease.

    However, what already exist are several treatments and ways to treat fibromyalgia, whether with medication, physical therapy and other physical activities. In addition to the more usual recommendations that doctors pass on, alternative complementary treatments for this health problem also arise. Among them is acupuncture.

    Acupuncture emerged in traditional Chinese medicine and is used for the complementary treatment of various health problems. The practice consists of the use of needles that are used in certain points of the body, according to the problem that the patient has. In addition to affecting the performance of the physical body, the Chinese also developed this technique to improve the functioning of what they call β€œchi”, which is the vital energy that circulates through the human body.

    Acupuncture against fibromyalgia

    For the treatment of fibromyalgia, the use of acupuncture is a recent discovery. Spanish researchers carried out an experiment on 153 patients. They divided the sick into two groups. One of them was treated with acupuncture and the other with fake needles only. The group that was actually treated with acupuncture had a 41% decrease in complaints of pain and discomfort after ten weeks of treatment.

    The great benefit of using acupuncture in this type of syndrome is to pave the way for other practices to be used. Because muscle pain is so intense, many people who suffer from this problem are not able to exercise or do physical therapy as much as they need to. With acupuncture treatment, the pain decreases and, in this way, the patient can return to their normal exercise routine and, consequently, have a more significant improvement in their health.

    We remind you that this article is intended to inform, but does not replace the opinion of an expert on the subject. If you have a health problem like the one mentioned in the text, we always advise you to consult a doctor before trying any type of alternative treatment.

    Written by Ricardo Sturk from the Eu Sem Fronteiras team

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