8 ways to increase your aura's energy field

If you believe that every body in the Universe produces and emits energy, you already have most of what you need to understand what an energy field and an aura are. Maybe you've heard about these two concepts, but you've never stopped to reflect on what they actually refer to.

Start thinking about it. When you arrive at a different place than usual, or when you meet someone else, do you feel your vibration change? Like something invisible is passing you by? This energy you receive can be positive, making you happier, or negative, making you feel bad for seemingly no reason.

At all times, we are exchanging energies with other people and with the environment. And there is a way to amplify the energies you release, so that your presence is always noticed and for you to emit the best vibrations wherever you go. Next, learn more about it!

What is the aura?

As we have already said, we live exchanging energies with people and the environment in which we find ourselves. Every living being emits energy, and it comes in different forms and intensities, depending on who emits it. People and other sentient beings, even planets, emit this immaterial energy called aura.

The aura is an energetic force without which we would not be able to exist, since it contains everything that concerns our physical and metaphysical bodies – information about past experiences, the present moment and even projections about the future.

Each individual's aura is basically a set of colors that go together, with some being more dominant. There are several mechanisms to find out the color of someone's aura, such as aura calculators, tricks like background colors and contrasts, and even the use of intuition.

8 ways to increase your aura's energy field
Wojtek Skora / Getty Images / Canva

But know that the dominant colors can vary, depending on the person's feeling at the time of reading, as our emotions control our energies, making them depend exclusively on our state of mind. Below we list the meanings of some colors.

Pink: kind people who transmit peace and love and are in processes of self-acceptance and self-knowledge.

Green: symbolizes a harmonious, peaceful, loving spirit with a great capacity for forgiveness.

Blue: represents tranquility, inner peace and balance, as well as a great concern for the well-being of others.

Yellow: indicates a person who is hopeful, altruistic and connected to the family.

Purple: represents a strong intuition and sensitivity. They are empathetic, highly intuitive people with a very developed spirituality.

Golden: indicates patient and curious people, eager for knowledge.

Turquoise: symbolizes creativity and great ability to express yourself. Predominates in agile, communicative people with a great sense of perception.

Red: indicates a person who is extremely dedicated and well focused on material life. Tendency to get irritated when no agreement is found.

Grey: expresses an anxious and shy person, with limited self-esteem and a certain lack of courage.

silver-white: symbolizes a very high spirit, typical of people with impressive magnetism, but very sensitive.

White: it is a rare color, symbol of complete, perfect purity. This aura represents the heightened light of divine consciousness.

Black: it is unusual to have a person with a completely black aura. This color represents the non-existence of light and destructive energies (both in relation to others and in relation to yourself). However black or dark areas in one's aura can only indicate a sign of fatigue or exhaustion.

The aura needs to be healthy

As a fluid energy emanating from us, the aura creates a magnetic field. And it is thanks to this magnetism that we feel attraction or repulsion towards other people. In the case of repulsion, or dislike, it is usually because the energies simply did not cross or because the other person's aura is charged, as if they were able to suck our energies. But this is not always deliberate. It is often related to the general state of our emotions (a body-mind-soul imbalance).

And it's not just another person that makes us feel that way. Environments are also capable of altering our balance and draining our energies. Or, on the positive side, contribute to an improvement in our energy field. That is why it is essential to maintain physical, emotional and spiritual balance, so that we preserve our health and disposition, since this is a two-way street: a good state of mind allows the balance of the aura, which, in turn, , gives us this balance.

Therefore, it is necessary to maintain good fluids, as the aura is formed by positive and negative elements. If we feed the wrong particles, they will react as per the stimulus. And all we want less is to overflow with negativity. So take care of your aura and emanate only what is good.

To keep your energies in harmony, it is necessary, first of all, to take care of your inner self, as well as working on your emotions and getting rid of negative vibrations coming from people or places. If you can, avoid contact with anything that can drain your energy.

Avoid feeding on feelings such as jealousy, resentment, envy, anger, and excessive or unnecessary criticism. They are food for those negative particles in the aura. Stress is also a catalyst for this negativity.

As the aura is linked to the physical body as well, try to exercise, eat well, sleep properly and sunbathe. For the mind, seek meditation, prayers, mantras or even phrases that help improve your self-esteem.

Whenever you can, make use of protective elements and rituals, such as incense, herbal baths, foot baths with coarse salt, use of amulets (such as crystals), among others. These processes help not only protect you, but also discharge negative energies, promoting a cleansing in your emotions and bringing balance to body, soul and mind.

What is an energy field?

An energy field is the result of the energies that each person emanates. It is like an invisible outline that is always with you and that can be bigger or smaller for each individual. When you approach someone, for example, you come into contact with that person's energy field, receiving and sending different vibrations.

From your energy field your aura is formed. It is a very subtle fluid that is released by our bodies and can cause an immediate magnetism between two people. When you meet someone for the first time and feel a deep identification, then your aura is likely to be compatible with that other person's aura.

Both the energy field and the aura are affected by the health of the body and mind. If you are feeling unwell, your energy field will be more restricted, reducing the impact power of your aura. If you are feeling good, on the other hand, you will attract even more good things!

So, expanding your energy field is an activity that will bring more light and more positivity to you and those who live next to you. Here are eight ways to do it and transform yourself!

1 - Meditation

Meditation is one of the most popular ways to get in touch with your inner self. With the exercise of meditating, you are able to reflect on who you are, your problems and your goals, to take the appropriate actions and find a better version of you.

The relaxation that meditation can also bring about is essential for you to free yourself from stress and tension and have a better quality of life. Thus, you will be happy and vibrating positivity more often in your daily life. Try guided meditation to get started!

2 – Reiki

8 ways to increase your aura's energy field
microgen / 123RF

Reiki is an alternative medicine therapy that is based on the exchange of energies between two people through certain hand gestures. This energy transfer has healing purposes, and Reiki is widely used by people who have some illness.

Even if you are not sick, it is interesting to look for a professional who applies this practice so that you learn more about the type of energy that vibrates and about the vibrations you can receive. Remember that only a person who already has experience with Reiki can perform this process!

3 – Exercises and healthy habits

8 ways to increase your aura's energy field
Sebastian Voortman / Pexels

Practicing exercises and having healthy lifestyle habits are essential for those who want to increase their own well-being. By doing this, in addition to getting your body moving, you preserve your health and keep your mind connected with every physical part of you. The better you feel, the bigger your energy field will be.

If you have difficulty exercising or having healthy habits, there is a possibility that you can start doing this with someone else. As a duo, you will have more motivation to discover this more pleasant way of life, having someone to encourage you when everything seems more difficult.

4 – Healing mantras

8 ways to increase your aura's energy field
Eli DeFaria / Unsplash

Increasing your energy field will be even simpler if you know the power of healing mantras. They are syllables that, when pronounced, emit a specific type of vibration to the universe. If you've ever seen someone meditating and saying "OM", you've seen a healing mantra!

With them, you will activate your connection with the universe and with your interiority, increasing your energy field. Search for the best known and practice the one that suits you best. Recite it when you are sitting on the floor in a comfortable position, with your hands clasped on your chest, as in prayer.

5 – Crystals and essential oils

Crystals and essential oils are nature's two gifts to anyone's energy field. These natural elements are responsible for emanating different energies, and can bring agitation, tranquility, confidence, relaxation, clarity of ideas, among others.

By incorporating crystals and essential oils into your everyday life, you will be able to stimulate the best energies in you. Identify the power of each stone and each oil and choose the ones that work most effectively for the goals you seek.

6 - Environment

8 ways to increase your aura's energy field
Foundry / Pixabay

It may not seem like it, but the environment where we are inserted makes a lot of difference in the way we feel. If you're always in a place that doesn't bring you good vibes, that makes you feel bad about who you are, consider looking for a new option.

Often, our energy fields are withdrawn because we subject ourselves to situations that only hurt us. Keep the environment where you spend most of your time clean, organized, and filled with items that make you feel good. So, anywhere will be your home!

7 – Salt and water

8 ways to increase your aura's energy field
Castorly Stock / Pexels

Have you ever felt that you were stronger and happier after a swim in the sea? The mixture of salt and water is an efficient measure to ward off negative energies and to promote a cleansing in your body. But wait! You should not drink salt water, as this can cause serious dehydration.

When you have time, dissolve a good handful of coarse salt in two liters of water and, after showering, pour the liquid over yourself, without getting your head wet. Mentalize all the negative energies leaving your body and realize how you will bring joy and peace wherever you go!

8 - Intent

8 ways to increase your aura's energy field
Vlada Karpovich / Pexels

If you want to keep your energy field expanded and with the best vibrations, you need to pay attention to your desires and what you emanate to the Universe. When we repeat pessimistic ideas, or when we are always creating intrigues with other people, we will hardly be positively rewarded.

Declare to the Universe the gratitude you feel, the desires you seek and your best feelings. Try to see the positive side of every situation, so you are more likely to be able to surround yourself with positive thoughts and energies.

How to protect my energy field?

Even if you encourage your energy field to always be positive and expanded, contact with certain places, people or goals can negatively influence you. So, you need to protect your energy field from that kind of energy, in very simple ways. The first one is to perform a zipping motion, going from your belly button to the top of your head.

Another key step is to cultivate positive feelings and thoughts. Even if you are silent, mentalize good things, communicate with the Universe and who you are. In fact, it is essential that you only do what you feel like doing, being true to who you are. Listen to your needs and meet each one without fear.

Finally, do some daily work to let go of what bothers you, your grudges, your fears, and the stress you feel. Imagine that these negative energies are always coming out of you and focus on those that bring you well-being. Surrounding yourself with people who love you is a great way to do this.

How to clear the energy field?

At the first sign of discouragement, irritation and stress, make sure it's time to clear your energy field. Thus, your positive energies will be recovered and you will be able to face the world again, with willpower and determination. You can do this in a very simple way, at home.

Lighting incense and letting the smoke spread through the house and around you, mentalizing positivity and peace, is a way to ward off negative energies that have clung to you. Passing a rue leaf over the body, taking a herbal bath or rinsing with coarse salt diluted in water, without wetting the head, are other techniques that will bring promising results!

Is it possible to feel the energy field of other people?

Perhaps you have already felt other people's energy fields and didn't realize it. Any time you feel a connection with someone, or feel a strong dislike for a person, you are unconsciously feeling their energy field.

8 ways to increase your aura's energy field
Guillaume de Germain / Unsplash

Notice how you feel when you are with each person. If she gives you positive feelings and joy, you will know that her energy field is beneficial to you. In the same way, if you feel discouragement, sadness and dissatisfaction around her, the energy field must be negative.

There's a way to see a person's aura, if that's what you want to do. Just stand in front of her, fix your gaze between her eyelashes for five seconds and then close your eyes. Pay attention and see the color you notice when you close your eyes. That color is the color of the other person's aura!

Do animals also have an energy field?

Do you want to know if your pet also emits energies? If all animals are able to do this? The answer is yes! Animals have an energy field and can make a person feel better or worse, depending on the connection between them and someone else. So, if some pet doesn't like your face very much, your energy fields are probably not compatible! On the other hand, if you live in love with a special animal, your energy fields are made for each other!

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The energy field is an important part of the constitution of a being. It is from it that we form our personal image and that we relate to other people. If you want to be someone who makes a good impression, who has many friends and who brings lightness to any environment, follow our tips on how to expand your energy field and protect it always!

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