A detox day with functional foods

With a busy life, full of commitments, we often end up neglecting our food, putting industrialized foods in our body, full of preservatives, sweeteners and dyes. We feel the harmful effects of these substances in a short time, the excess of ingested fats causes our liver to be compromised. Who hasn't felt weak and discouraged after a week full of heavy, industrialized foods?

That is why an eventual detoxification of the body is recommended, they are the famous “detox diets”. The word “detox” means exactly what it sounds like, detoxify. In fact, the word derives from the English, “detoxification”. In Portuguese, detoxify. Foods rich in antioxidants are indicated to “cleanse” the body, such as cabbage, pineapple, ginger, cinnamon, carrot, cucumber, among others.

A detox day with functional foodsThe detox day aims to recover the health of the body and detoxify it in various areas, such as physical, mental and emotional.

The ideal day to do this special task for your body would be a day when you don't plan on leaving the house or going to appointments, like a Saturday or Sunday, so you can save your energy. Your body cannot get tired. So, no physical exercises on detox day.

On that day, you can eat only functional juices, without any solid food. There will be six 500 ml juices throughout the day, that is, three liters of juice throughout the day. The interval between juices should be at least two hours. Don't forget to drink plenty of water in addition to juices.

You can strain out the solid residual “pulp” after making the juices, if you prefer. It is not recommended to sweeten, but if you find it necessary to your taste, sweeten it with natural sweeteners, such as fructose.

However, keep in mind that the detox day does not solve all your body's problems. It's important, therefore, to focus on your health and diet on the other days as well. Associating a balanced diet with physical exercise makes the positive effects of the “detox day” last much longer. See the menu below:


Functional juice of cucumber, parsley, celery, spinach, cabbage and lemon.
– In a blender, add a whole sliced ​​cucumber, two handfuls of parsley, a handful of celery, a handful of spinach, four kale leaves and a whole lemon. Mix all ingredients with 500 ml of ice water.

Morning snack

Functional juice of cabbage, carrots, coconut water and chia seeds.
– In a blender add four cabbage leaves, a whole sliced ​​carrot, two tablespoons of chia seed. Mix all ingredients with 500 ml of cold coconut water.

Lunch Preparations

Functional juice of blueberry (also known as blueberry), acai (pulp), raspberry, pineapple, kale and chia seed.
– In a blender, add a cup of blueberries tea, two tablespoons of açaí pulp, a handful of raspberries, two pineapple slices, two cabbage leaves and a tablespoon of chia seed. Mix all ingredients with 500 ml of ice water.

Afternoon snack

Almond milk with cashews and cinnamon.
– In a blender add 500 ml of almond milk and add two tablespoons of cashew nuts and a tablespoon of cinnamon. Mix all ingredients well until smooth.


Functional juice of apple, ginger, cucumber, celery, spinach and lemon.
– In a blender, add a whole sliced ​​apple, half a sliced ​​cucumber, a handful of celery and spinach, a whole lemon and ginger to taste. Mix all ingredients with 500 ml of ice water.


Functional juice of carrot, pineapple, kale and spinach.
– In a blender add a whole sliced ​​carrot, four slices of pineapple, two cabbage leaves and a handful of spinach. Mix all ingredients with 500 ml of ice water.

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