8 Lessons Finding Dory teaches us

Finding Nemo has been a hit since it was released 13 years ago. And even after more than a decade, the clownfish story still delights hearts and puts a smile on the faces of everyone who watches it. And, to make it even more happy, the long-awaited continuation of this animation has arrived and, in the middle of 2016, the success is absolutely resounding.

As the second film, the main character has changed and it is with Dory that we shared incredible moments during the drawing. But far beyond fun and entertainment, the little blue fish teaches us many things.

With different visions of the same film, the new animation by Disney Pixar brings a theme full of teachings and reflections that are completely relevant to the real world and the way society lives. Which are they? Read below for the top eight lessons that Finding Dory can teach us.

acceptance of the different

Just like the first film, Finding Dory teaches us that differences exist and not being the same doesn't mean we can't live in harmony. In fact, it is necessary to accept the different, especially when it comes to disabilities – whether mental, intellectual, physical or emotional. After all, inclusion is the key to improving the world.

Let's talk about limitations

Even if in different ways, limitations exist in all of us and in all environments we live in. It is necessary to assume, accept and understand each one of them so that it is possible to have honest and healthy dialogues about it. The more that is talked about limitations, the more people will start to accept, accept and understand their own limits, as well as the limits of others. As a result, society becomes fairer and more transparent. Dory, for example, is aware of her limited memory, as are her friends, who love and accept her the way she is.

Accept allows you to improve

When you accept a problem, a disability or a limitation, it is possible to think about it without prejudice. In addition, when you accept it, you live in a healthier way with this condition. All of Dory's friends, as well as Dory herself, are aware of her limitations, so they live with her, but they praise other characteristics of the fish, such as determination, optimism and willpower.

Value the qualities

As stated in the previous item, valuing qualities and skills is the key to having quality of life. Dory knows that she is happy, brave, very optimistic, loyal friend and ocean breaker. Emphasizing good things makes the disability smaller and less and less of a hindrance.

Cherish your family

8 Lessons Finding Dory teaches us

Both Finding Dory and Finding Nemo teach us that family is the foundation of a happy life. And, in this case, family is who we love and who takes care of us, so much so that in the two animations we see different family structures - Nemo lost his mother before he was born and, therefore, lives only with his father, and Dory lives alone, until find Marlin and Nemo, who become his family. In the second film, Dory seeks and finds her biological family, but she can't stay away from the clownfish, who already live in her heart, just as she lives in theirs. Family is love, companionship and friendship.

be hard

Your achievements are the size of your effort. And you can get whatever you want as long as you put in the effort. Marlin, Dory and Nemo learn about this in practice, as they never managed to achieve a goal easily. Both Marlin to find Nemo, and Dory to find her family, had to go through several unexpected situations to achieve their goals. Including Nemo, who fought valiantly in the first film to return to the sea.

Do not give up

No matter what your goal is, if you put your mind to it and truly believe in it, you will achieve it. Dory and her friends never give up on what they want and what they believe is important to them, even when it means facing dangerous sea creatures, or any other even more difficult or frightening situation. If you don't give up, victory comes, even if it takes a while. Remember: only those who stop in the middle of the way don't get there.

Face your fears

If you allow your fears to take over your life, you will miss out on great opportunities. Are you afraid of the dark or of swimming in the high seas, like Marlin? face. Fear of losing the one you love? Those who truly love you will always be with you, in your heart and in your thoughts. Fear of anything? face. Fear only serves one thing: so that you, after facing it, feel that you are even stronger and braver.

  • Written by Giovanna Frugis from the Eu Sem Fronteiras team.
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