5 steps to avoid mental burnout

    In addition to the energy of the physical body, you also have mental energy and emotional energy to use in your daily life. But, just like physical energy, these other energies also have their limits and need to be recharged for you to have a balanced and healthy life. Have you ever noticed how some activities make you tired even if your body is fine? So it is… It could be your mental energy that is low. We've separated five tips for you to avoid mental exhaustion and keep that energy high. Check out:

    5 steps to avoid mental burnout

    think more about you

    You can often think too much about how to please or get approval from those around you. But know that this kind of thinking consumes a lot more energy than if you think of yourself first. I'm not telling you to become a selfish person, but to think that pleasing yourself and thinking about what's best for you is much better for your well-being than wanting to please others all the time. After you feel good about yourself, then you will have more energy available to help and deal with the people around you.


    At some point in your life you must have had hopes of realizing your dreams, even the craziest ones. Rescue those dreams and put faith in them. Dreaming and having faith is a great way to keep mental energy always active and moving. Never let anyone say they're impossible to happen. Believe in yourself and go on dreaming.


    Living simply means slowing down and getting out of the madness typical of big cities. Give more importance to the moments of small pleasures in life, such as watching the sunset, enjoying delicious food without haste and talking to dear people. Slow down and see the stress decrease as well and consequently improve the state of your mental energy.

    Physical health

    Physical health directly affects your mental health.. That's why it's no use training your mind to be healthier if your body is being poorly taken care of. Do physical exercises and seek a healthy diet that your mental energy will also feel the positive effects from that.

    Good mood

    Learn to laugh at what happens in life and see how everything gets lighter. Watch comedy movies, listen to a good joke and have fun with friends. Laughter is one of the best remedies to renew mental energies and give that necessary encouragement to face life in a much more positive and energetic way.

    Text written by Ricardo Sturk from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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