5 herbs that protect against alzheimer's

Alzheimer's is a disease that has no cure, but when treated, it can bring quality of life to those who suffer from this disease. Its appearance, in the vast majority of cases, affects the elderly. Often, it ends up being confused with a certain “senescence”, precisely because it affects elderly people. But that's not how things work… Alzheimer's is real and can be prevented, even with some herbs.

The power of herbs has been known for decades, and many ailments can be treated with different types of herbs. Until the present day, a good portion of people use treatments that take the leaves as the main ingredient and, with that, obtain good results in their experiences. Given this fact, health experts have studied and are still studying the effect of herbs on Alzheimer's patients, making their attempts successful and achieving relevant results. Check out some herbs that can be very useful in preventing Alzheimer's.


When it comes to herbal cures, our country has a culture that is even internationally known. Since ancient times, several people have spread this practice, which has lasted for decades and continues to this day. The use of rosemary, for example, since the Middle Ages was already applied as a remedy in the recovery of muscle pain, tendinitis, and it was also used as an antiseptic and medicine for the respiratory system against colds, bronchitis and coughs.

5 herbs that protect against alzheimer's
DAPA Images / Canva

In an interesting (and recent) experiment carried out with about sixty elderly people, rosemary was the absolute protagonist. The study served to monitor the reaction of memory after a time of substance use in the body. At the end of the test, the results were very positive and today rosemary is considered an excellent item in the care against diseases that affect memory.


Another well-known leaf is mint, widely used in cosmetics, cooking and for medicinal purposes, of course. Its properties are known to help relieve colic, flu, colds and gas, as well as helping with the circulation of bile. For those who suffer from stomach problems, mint tea is the ideal alternative after meals. When it comes to memory, the ingredient also has its qualities, as it is a strong stimulant and protector of the brain.

Ginkgo Biloba

5 herbs that protect against alzheimer's
Joannawnuk / Getty Images Pro / Canva

Of Chinese origin, ginko biloba falls into the “jack of all trades” category. It treats problems in the circulatory system, reduces menstrual cramps, improves brain and visual functions and, in addition, contributes to the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, in addition to other dysfunctions, such as sexual impotence. Its leaves have a rich composition of terpenoids and flavonoids, antioxidant substances and free radical fighters. In the case of Alzheimer's, ginko biloba acts by interfering with brain mechanisms due to the increase in oxygen at the site.


This Asian root is one of the most popular because of its ability to be used for a variety of purposes. It improves digestive, circulatory and respiratory systems, has bactericidal and detoxifying action, accelerates metabolism, making weight loss easier, is anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and, on top of that, tasty. Ginger is a very common delicacy in dishes around the world for its spicy touch. In India, information circulates that the root is a very effective natural medicine when it comes to Alzheimer's disease.

Green Tea 

Green tea is popular among those who want to lose weight, but its composition full of vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B1 and B2, manganese, folic acid and potassium make it an interesting component in the fight against other disorders.

Extracted from Camellia sinensis, an herb with many buds and leaves, its best known benefits are: aid in the treatment of diabetes, protection against cancer, beneficial for the heart, as it is a rich source of antioxidants, helping in the oxidation of LDL (bad cholesterol) and favors memory as well.

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In studies published by the International Journal of Neuroscience, green tea has been pointed out as a preventive against Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease, because, in addition to reducing acetylcholine (one of the main factors for the development of Alzheimer's), it also reduces cell damage. in the brain, protecting it from beta-amyloid plaques, which reduces the risk of these diseases arising.

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