5 attitudes that don't involve products to have beautiful skin

To keep your skin beautiful and healthy, there are some simple secrets and attitudes that go beyond beauty products and aesthetic treatments. Here are five tips that can change your life and your skin:

1. Spend more time in bed with your partner

Sex is good for the skin. If you need excuses to practice it, now you have one more. During sexual intercourse, hormone production is considerably increased and, as a result, the skin structure is strengthened, making it drier and firmer.

2. Play sports

In addition to helping you keep in shape and stay more relaxed, practicing sports and physical exercises help balance the effects of cortisol - a hormone that helps the body balance stress, increases the body's immunity power, reduces inflammation and maintains levels. of blood sugar. Thus, your body becomes healthier and with less risk of acquiring diseases and inflammation.

5 attitudes that don't involve products to have beautiful skin

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3. Eat healthy

Also focus on eating inside and outside the house. Always opt for lean proteins. Eggs, chicken, fish, cheeses and low-fat milk are some foods that can help improve your mood, and with that your skin will look more beautiful and healthy.

4. Pay attention to your breath

Position yourself straight, inhale the air slowly, releasing it through your mouth very slowly. Do this at least three times a day for a few minutes. This technique can help fight stress, manage anxiety, and delay aging.

5. Cherish your bath

When you get home, leave all the stress of the day out the door, do a mental detox. Take a relaxing shower or, if possible, a bath and try not to think about anything but the comfort of your body. Opt for products that promote aromatherapy, use oils and lavender of your choice for the body.

Text written by Natรกlia Nocelli from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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