4 Things That Can Happen If You Hold Your Pee Too Long

Whenever you feel like peeing, do you go to the bathroom or do you sometimes hold back? There are those who hold on until they can't take it anymore, whether because of the rush of routine, studies, work, etc. But, unfortunately, this act often becomes a habit and can cause a lot of damage to health. Obviously, those who have this habit thinks that it is not harmful, but, in fact, it can trigger numerous problems for the body.

Urine is a means that the body uses to eliminate substances that are harmful to our body, in addition to reducing the amount of microorganisms in Organs genital organs. The purpose of this elimination is to reduce the emergence of infections and other types of diseases in the region and in the urinary tract. But when pee stays longer than it should in our bladder, this accumulation favors the development of diseases and causes tension in that organ.

According to Lauren Streicher, an obstetrician-gynecologist and professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Northwestern University's the Feinberg School of Medicine, the habit of holding your pee for a long time, and avoiding bladder relaxation when passing urine, can result in numerous consequences. But and you? Do you often get tight instead of peeing when you feel like it? If so, know that you need to be alert! Check out the 4 consequences that can occur if you continue with this attitude!

1. Urinary tract infection

4 Things That Can Happen If You Hold Your Pee Too Long
kosmos111 / 123RF

As mentioned earlier, pee is a means of eliminating substances that exist in our body. When we stop urinating, all the fungi and all the bacteria left in the urinary tract can multiply, thus causing an infection. It does not stop there! If urine is accumulated for a long time, it will impair the performance of the existing muscles in the pelvic floor, as this accumulation promotes relaxation difficulties, causing a certain amount of urine to remain in the body, thus favoring more infections.

Women tend to suffer more from infections than men, because the size of the female urethra is much smaller, making it easier for microorganisms to spread through the region. In other words, peeing is much simpler than curing an infection, isn't it?

2. Kidney stones

It's not just not drinking water that causes kidney stones to form: holding in your pee also causes this problem! All substances that should be eliminated in the urine during urination can solidify and remain in the urinary tract, thus causing severe pain and even the need for surgical removal!

3. Lasting pain

4 Things That Can Happen If You Hold Your Pee Too Long
akz / 123RF

When we hold the pee, we feel immense relief when we go to the bathroom. But if you hold on constantly, that relief may just disappear! The pain felt when the bladder is full may not improve if it has been full for a long time. Dr. Stricher states: β€œOnce the signs of pain are found in the lower abdomen, it may simply not go away. Your muscles are tightening, almost like a spasm, so they can't relax anymore. I see a lot of people complaining of abdominal pain thinking there is something very wrong with them. One of my thoughts is if these people have healthy habits about going to the bathroom, they often don't. Well, it causes pain and it can last for a while.”

4. Urinary retention

The act of holding urine causes the muscles in the bladder to be constantly dilated. That's why it loses its "elasticity" and it creates a certain difficulty in contracting it during urination. Something similar to what causes a urinary tract infection occurs: some urine still remains in the bladder, even if you think you've peed completely. And only those who have had one of these problems know how uncomfortable it is to leave the bathroom with an uncomfortable and heavy feeling, even after having urinated.

These are some of the possible consequences of holding back your pee. All of them, in addition to causing great discomfort, can start other diseases in your body.

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So, as soon as you feel like going to the bathroom, go! Do not leave it for later. After all, your health is your priority! Ah, to maintain the health of your urinary system, drink at least two liters of water a day. Ideally, you should pee at least six times during the same period.

These two valuable tips will make sure that there is no accumulation of fungi or bacteria in your bladder, much less favor the loss of its elasticity.

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