Shamatha Meditation and its healing power with a focus on the 5 lungs

    Just smile, nod and continue with the meditation.

    Just thinking that your thinking is out of focus is already a mega advance, without resisting, keep going… Don't keep trying not to think about anything. Thoughts will come and go naturally. Just watch them, not missing any of them. But there is no goal. There is no goal. If frustrating is not the way, it's all in peace and without effort, more and more relaxed you continue until every day your evolution comes and everything flows according to your body, you need it.

    But each day that passes you feel it flowing and you feel more and more connected with yourself.

    Shamatha Meditation and its healing power with a focus on the 5 lungs

    It is important to emphasize that this meditation does not leave the mind blank, as many may think, on the contrary, you become much more alert and feel your inner self with a much greater depth and strengthened to deal with various issues in life.

    Having a pleasant environment to practice is interesting, as the harmony of the place helps in this concentration. I meditate in the morning so that my day starts great, but it varies from person to person, the important thing is to want to be and stay in that focus.

    If you recognize that you are trapped in the common habits of society and that you cannot master this wild animal that is your mind, you will be able to understand what I am saying and only then will you understand this whole connection with the world, with you and with the universe.

    This era we live in distances us from ourselves, but we need to see that, get out of the matrix and try to focus, without letting ourselves be manipulated by the world inside.


    A hug! I hope I have passed this topic lightly. Any questions, just call me!

    Keep all the pure and beautiful energy of this universe, lots of lighting for you on this beautiful and beautiful day!



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