4 foods you haven't included in breakfast yet that will help you burn fat

food myths

Many myths surround the topic of food. There is a common idea that being healthy is a great challenge and causes suffering by demanding sacrifices. However, a little knowledge about food and its functions allows us to conclude that having a healthy life is not a big problem, but a beneficial solution.

The good association between the practice of physical activities and correct nutrition brings visible improvements and those who acquire a more balanced way of life feel the changes in their skin.


For this balance to be achieved, a good way is to understand each food, realizing its possible effects and taking advantage, within your food routine, of the consequences it can generate. This is known as functional food.

Not all people are concerned with the function of food within our body, however, understanding its path, functioning and knowing the nutrients that compose it is important so that everyone can adapt their diet to their way of life without suffering.

Some foods have the characteristic of accelerating metabolism, others are an immediate source of energy, others give you more satiety, others are pure sources of vitamins, or proteins, or activators of certain systems within our body. The functions are diverse and all very necessary. Let's understand a little more about how to fit them into the first and most important meal of the day.

powerful breakfast

It is well known that breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day. It must be complete in order to supply the period of fasting that the body has undergone during sleep as well as to provide energy for the body to start the activities of the day after resting during the night.

Proteins and fats help for a good absorption of carbohydrates, regulating their energy supply peaks, and in the opposite way, carbohydrates support a more efficient absorption of protein fibers.

Some are the options and the combinations can be not only tasty, but also very healthy and nutritious:

– Combination between fruits and nuts (carbs and good fats),

– Whole grain breads and cereals along with lean proteins (carbohydrate and protein).

the fat burning

Nobody likes extra fat, especially those accumulated in the abdominal region. In addition to the physical discomfort they bring, they can be a sign of excess fat and/or sugars in our food, which gives indications that health problems may arise, such as cholesterol and hypertension.

Therefore, we must pay attention to the burning of these extra fat, which can be accomplished through physical exercise and helped with some changes in food. Some foods are powerful fat burning aids. Inserting them at breakfast is a great tip to make them work in the body. 

Below, some foods allied to health and good shape to start the day right:
1. Avocado:

4 foods you haven't included in breakfast yet that will help you burn fatSource of good fat and lots of fiber, it is a powerful food for burning abdominal fat. It helps in the absorption and metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins, supporting the body so that what will be stored does not turn into abdominal fat.

For breakfast it can be consumed pure, in moderate quantity and guided by your nutritionist. As well as in creams and vitamins.

2. Green Tea:

4 foods you haven't included in breakfast yet that will help you burn fatGreen tea has the property of accelerating metabolism and consequently fat burning.

It can be consumed in place of coffee, or as another beverage option.

3 eggs:

4 foods you haven't included in breakfast yet that will help you burn fatGreat source of protein and vitamins, eggs in addition to producing satiety for breakfast, also help in burning abdominal fat.

Its consumption should be moderate, since the egg yolk is rich in fat, which, although good, should not be consumed in excess. Opt for omelets that contain one to two egg yolks and, if necessary, add just a few more whites. They're great with whole-grain breads or just as omelets with other carbs like fruit.

4. Oats:

4 foods you haven't included in breakfast yet that will help you burn fatSource of energy for the day, it also has the power to speed up our metabolism. Oatmeal is a very welcome carbohydrate.

Prefer to consume it in the form of oat bran, as it has a longer period of absorption in the body. Combine it with fruit, yogurt or make a nice porridge.

other tips

Some other foods that help in burning fat and that are already more consumed are:

  • Apple – contains beta-carotene and vitamin C;
  • Banana – contains calcium, potassium, magnesium and various vitamins;
  • Salmon – has vitamin C, calcium and accelerates metabolism;
  • Seafood – contains monounsaturated fat that prevents the accumulation of fat (like egg yolk), rich in omega 3 and various minerals;
  • Cherry – has antioxidant property, reduces cholesterol and regulates metabolism;
  • Seafood and fish – rich in omega 3 help in the good absorption of carbohydrates. These foods also have the power to regulate uric acid helping those who wish to deflate,
  • Tomato – source of vitamins and minerals also helps in not accumulating fats in the blood or as body reserves.

More other indications for burning fat and for a healthier eating routine in general are:

  • Avoid consumption of salt and sugar;
  • Avoid white flour;
  • Do not consume soft drinks and industrialized juices;
  • Search for the composition of the industrialized products consumed in order to avoid the exaggerated consumption of artificial ingredients and sugars;
  • Daily practice of physical activity, regardless of intensity,
  • Seek guidance for a diet with associations that increase the nutritional value of food within the body,
  • Don't suffer or feel like it, always seek the balance between well-being and health.
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