3 pillars for a healthy and balanced life


3 pillars for a healthy and balanced life
Nathan Cowley/Pexels

It's not about dieting all the time to lose weight and/or being "fitted" into a social "pattern" of thinness, ok⁉️You need to re-educate yourself to be able to eat well daily. A healthy diet with the right nutrients will give you energy for your daily journey.

A proper diet keeps the brain active and healthy, which improves mood, memory, reasoning and several other cognitive abilities/abilities.

For evaluation and effective results, the follow-up of a professional nutritionist is ideal.


3 pillars for a healthy and balanced life
Gift Habeshaw / Pexels

Positive thoughts and actions promote emotional well-being and, in addition, improve immunity. Our mind works like a magnet, attracting experiences according to vibrations. Therefore, thoughts directly interfere in everything we do, and they have the strength to "activate" this "reaction" of the Universe in front of our vibratory state. This process can be explained by the Law of Attraction, that is, cause(s) and effect(s), these are always in harmony with our vibration.

Psychotherapy enters this context acting to direct the patient to the understanding of this “action” vs. “reaction” that actually has a connection (usually comes from a root cause) with limiting beliefs, repetitive patterns, trauma and/or poorly assimilated experiences. The objective is to promote the expansion of consciousness, so that access to the cause occurs, re-signify it and then the anchoring with the present moment happens, reprogramming and rebalancing.

(Get in touch to schedule an appointment with me. 😉)

Movement = physical activity

3 pillars for a healthy and balanced life
The Lazy Artist Gallery / Pexels

And, finally, moving, “rocking the skeleton”, exercising is essential for physical and mental health, improving the quality of life and providing greater disposition for everyday tasks. A sedentary lifestyle is already being considered one of the “bad ones of the century”, and, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), physical inactivity is considered the fourth biggest risk factor for deaths in the world. The motor movements performed during physical exercises release several substances, such as endorphin (considered the happiness hormone, which benefits mood, memory, concentration, sleep, among other functions), dopamine (cognition, pleasure, mood, some endocrine functions, among others) and serotonin (mainly regulates mood and sleep, among other functions). There are several benefits, such as increasing cardiopulmonary capacity, strengthening muscles, reducing the levels of stress hormones (such as cortisol), reducing the risk of hypertension, diabetes, breast and colon cancer, depression and even the possible falls. The WHO recommends 150 minutes of light/moderate physical activity per week or 75 minutes of higher intensity physical activity per week.

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If you need follow-up, I suggest getting a personal trainer.

I emphasize that physical, mental and spiritual balances are interconnected and depend on each other.

Deepak Chopra (an Indian doctor, writer and teacher) wisely brings us to the importance of the body being understood as an energy field and its need to be in balance.

Healthy mind, healthy body‼️

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